Expert on fertilizer markets – Arkadiusz Zalewski from Institute Economics of Agriculture and Food Economics PIB in Warsaw for this time in his social media has available very interesting information. Of course they relate to fertilizers, but in the context of prices
of agricultural crops. Details below.
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Relation prices of fertilizers to prices of wheat
Specialist focused on data numbers. He reported, that the demand for mineral fertilizers is dependent in the major measure on their retail prices and price relations between the prices of agricultural fertilizers.
– The relationship this influences the economic situation of agricultural farms and is a important factor determining the profitability of mineral fertilization. Despite the noticeable trend of declining prices of fertilizers in the domestic market, which has been observed from October 2022 year, almost until end 2024 year. fertilizers still remain relatively expensive, a purchase
of fertilizers requires the sale of apparently more wheat than some years previously – wrote Arkadiusz Zalewski on Linkedin.
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How much costs urea, and how much wheat?
Compiled interesting data.
– For example to purchase 1 ton of urea and polyphoska “8” it was required in November ub to spendequivalent of 2.7 or 3.7 tons of wheat, relatively of 49 and 66 proc. more than 4 years previously. These relationships are however better in reference to November 2023 , a year ear earlier – reported Zalewski.
This information was supplemented on portal
Linkedin with accurate prices
of urea and wheat expressed in equivalent wheat. I commented, that
“the less the better”.
Data Arkadiusz Zalewski Linkedin