Żabka Poland registered a new trademark “Żabka Ads”, introducing advertising service in its stores. Thanks to precise targeting based on shopping data of 14 million customers, the network offers suppliers and manufacturers the opportunity to increase the visibility of their products directly at shelves.
With new source of income and potential 11 thousands of stores, Zabka is setting on dynamic development in the segment of retail advertising, which in Europe generates already billions euros.
Under the end of December 2024 year, Żabka Poland registered in the Patent Office the new trademark “Żabka Ads”, which refers to m.Among other things, to rent surfaces and digital displays in stores for advertising purposes. First platform networks already offer this popular
service in which more networks trade.
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Merlin in Poland. There is a new partner
Gabka Ads debuts in market
– Meet Gabka Ads. Precise targeted advertising digital instore based on data shopping 14 millions of void customers – that company encourages potential customers to experience new services.
Network addresses service to suppliers, manufacturers. – New product in your portfolio? Increase its visibility directly at the store
shelf with Jab Ads – encourages through media social media.
fot. for Gabka Ads
New source of revenue chain stores
Gabka Ads is new in the offer of the network, but is not new in the market. More and more networks want to earn in this way. one of the examples is MediaMarkt and Saturn. The foreign media reports, that MediaMarkt and Saturn are introducing a new approach to advertising, offering the opportunity to promote products on screens in stationary stores. Thanks to this advertisers can effectively combine online campaigns with physical points of sale, using the “InStoreAds” solution, which alreadyis operating in six countries and will show also in Poland.
Portal retaildetail.eu reports, that retail media, meaning advertising at sales points, generates and more profits for retailers. In 2024 year it is projected to increase to 17.7 billion euros.
Potential 11 tys. shops
Jabka is today the leader segment modern convenience, a also a brand recognizable by millions of customers. The network is dynamically expanding, opening over 1,000 stores yearly.
The company ensures that interest in cooperation with the network remains constantly at high level – now over 9000 franchiseesruntheirpointsunderthegreenbrand.
Remember,thatinDecember2024year, Jabkahasachievedanothermilestone,openingits11000thlocationinPoland.