Żabka supports 33rd Final of Great Orkstry of Christmas Help, forming the most staff in Poland! Collection can be supported, by putting money in cans available at over 11 thousands of stores networks or by transferring japps in application Zappka. Through involvement of franchisees volunteers will be able
to receive a free cup of coffee, tea or chocolate.
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People will assess WOŚP. What does influence
During this year’s Final of OŚP, which will be held on 26 January br, the collection is for the fight against cancer in children. The purpose is to upgrade medical facilities, that will enable more effective and faster treatment.
Jabka customers can support this goal, by dropping donations into cans, which are available in store networks already from 28 December ub.year. Support in unique form after the next time can also be given to Users of Zappka. Collected during shopping points loyalty – so-called japps – on day 33. Final they will be able to exchange for charity coupons of various values: 100 gifts that is equivalent to 50 gr, 250 gifts – equivalent to the value of 1 zl, using 500 ¿apps we transfer 3 £, while 1,000 ¿apps represents the amount of 10 £. Each can donate a maximum 4 coupons – one in each of nominations. It is a unique action, which unites around a common goal the numerous community of Jabka customers – the app is already used by over 10 million people.
Thanks to the involvement of franchisees volunteers on the day of 33rd Final will be fed a cup of warm coffee, tea or chocolate. Each volunteer will be able to take for free at any store of the Network Jabka one hot beverage (with capacity up to 200 ml) – enough, that he/she will submit to the cashier the voucher that entitles you to take it and the Volunteer ID. This is a continuation of the “Warm Up Yourself Volunteer” campaign, initiated last year by Franchisees of Jabka. During last year’s Final in places of the network nearly 35 years of kaw,teas and chocolates, which means, that the suggested third volunteer in Poland. The greatest interest was in coffee with milk (over 12 thousand drinks), hot chocolate (over 7.7 thousand) and caffè latte (over 5.6 thousand).
Zabka, together with franchisees, has already for over 25 years supported the activities of theGreatOrchestraofWednesdayHelp,activelyparticipatingincollections.During32.Final she auctionedthe most valuableGoldSerduszkowithnumber1fortheamount1050000 PLN.Additionally,thankstothe involvementofcustomersandfranchisees,it donatedtothe32ndFinalofWOŚPover1300000PLN.