
Yulia Boyko, Akvarel: Searching and developing talents is the key to strengthening our team and achievingtheirgoals

Юлия Бойко, Akvarel: Поиск и развитие талантов – ключ к укреплению нашей команды и достижению целей

How in the network of stationery stores and goods for creativity in Ukraine Akvarel has reduced the average monthly current current to 4% and is not trying hard to recruit staff in the full-scale war.

In the current time the Akvarel network counts 57 stores in 15 cities, in that includes and 7 points of franchisees. In the column for RAU Yulia Boyko, HRD network, shared effective strategies for quick closing vacancies, explained why the company is open to candidates without work experience and discussed the benefits of the “Bring a Friend” program.

About the employees of the Network

Now there are over 500 people working in the Akvarel Network and 35% of our employees have experience of working at Akvarel over three years. Yes and a significant fraction of the directors of the stores of retail started their careers with the company as salesmen and have for more than 10 years of development with together with us.

Akvarel – is working in an atmosphere of creation, with a team of like-minded people, with a love for clients. And this is the main reasons why our employees choose us.

About Search frames

Like and many other retailers, into the full-scale invasion we have determined difficulties in finding employees, but this problem is not acute for us. To increase efficiency we have introduced a clearstrategy of closing vacancies for retail and office.

To improve the efficiency of closing vacancies in retail we realized a few important steps:

    • revised wage level wages and motivation systems to become more competitive;
    • formed a profile of the salesperson, to more accurately identify candidates that respond to our requirements, and select those who have the competencies needed and are interested in our product;
    • introduced soft training for directors on conducting effective interviews, identifying key competencies, assessing risk and headhunting candidates;
    • introduced a bonus for employees through the “Bring a Friend” program. When actual employees like the conditions of working with us, they will happily recommend us to their friends and acquaintances. This allows to involve new people into a comfortable environment, where they receive support from already familiar colleagues. This approach fosters long-term relationships within the team, as new workers feel as a part of it from the first, receiving constant help and support.

    A And in the process of working over the closing office vacancies the following tools have been implemented:

      • processing both the current candidates base, and and actively selling our vacancies in the telephone interview;
      • also attracting the “Bring A Friend” program;
      • flexible approach to tasks and conditions: reallocating tasks within the departments, providing special conditions for work, for example, implementing a hybrid schedule of work or the opportunity for relocation;
        recruitment of candidateswithout experience and their future training.

      We are actively expanding our team, in particular, beginning to search for new talents even before the official opening of jobs, to ensure successful work and prevent any delays. And thanks to the excellent cooperation of the HR department with all departments is successful in closing vacancies fastly.

      Now we have achieved the average time to close the job of retail two weeks, and the office three weeks. In the current realities this is a good result.

      About training staffstores

      Now we are actively reorganizing the entire training system to be more structured, modern and effective. In particular, we are introducing few key initiatives:

      Corporate University – is a new platform for all-round development of our employees. Create a system, where everyone can receive knowledge, that contributes not only to increase professional level, but and personal growth.

      Updated program for salesmen. We are reviewing and improving our training courses, so that every salesperson has a clear understanding of their responsibilities and skills, necessary to work with clients and achieve high results.

      Product training. Prepare specific trainings, covering all aspects of our assortment, so that everyoneemployee could effectively advise customers, working with any goods.

      All these changes will be accompanied by a testing system and the implementation of the rating system, which will allow to evaluate the progress and the motivation of our employees. We plan to fully implement these news from January of this year.

      Now we are focusing on the basic needs, such as learning news, implementing new actions and changes. Also conduct focused training for different categories of employees, to ensure their qualification at a high level and support them in the process of adapting to the changes of the company and the market.

      About the current

      We have been working with the new strategy for only half>years, but already we are seeing positive changes: the flow of frames has reduced not only in the office, but also in retail.

      From average monthly currents of 6% in half a year we reached 4%.

      This was due to strategic changes in the organization of work, and the implementation of the ENPS – system, which allows to actively work with the “pains” and “joys” of our employees. In addition, we receive regular feedback from employees who are now working with the company and those who have left the network. This allows us to continually improve and become better for our team.

      About the career lift

      In our company has always supported organic development of employees. If you are responsible, customer-oriented and have leadership.There are many examples where salesmen become directors within a year of serious work.

      We strive to build a clear system of development, where each salesperson, administrator or director will have a clear map for developing their soft and hard-skills. This will allow you to achieve concrete results in a determined timeframe.

      We are already working on the development of training courses for each position in the retail network and plan to introduce these in 2025 year.


Wearehappytoconsidercandidateswithnoexperience,bothinourarea,andinretailinwhole.Forusit isimportantthatthepersonhasabigwishtodevelop,beactive,communicativeandreadytolearn.Webelievethatlack ofexperienceis notabarriertobecomeapartofourteam.

On the contrary, itcanbeanadvantage,becausenewemployeesdo not haveestablishedstereotypesorhabits,andtheycanbetrainedandformedashighly skilledspecialistswhounderstandandshareourcorporateculture.Andweinourfirstcreateallconditionsforlearningandadaptationfrombasictrainingtocontinuoussupportandmentoringfromexperiencedcolleagues.

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