YuKassa analysts summed up the results of the first half of 2024 for the Russian e-commerce market . Experts note that since the beginning of the year, the number of brands’ own online stores , especially small ones, has been growing in Russia. Over six months, there were 38% more of them, and turnover increased by 73%.
Photo: FOTO Eak/Shutterstock/Fotodom
Among the segments, tourism remains one of the leaders; significant growth is observed in the category of goods for repair, sports and outdoor activities. The share of bank cards among other payment methods continues to decline, while the popularity of alternative methods such as SberPay, as well as credit instruments, is growing.
From January to June 2024, the total turnover of Internet sites connected to YuKassa increased by 7% compared to July-December 2023. Payments increased by 8%, and the number of payers decreased by 11% year on year. The average bill did not change and amounted to 1,287 rubles.
The total number of active sites in YuKassa increased by 25%. There are 30% more legal entities, 25% more individual entrepreneurs, and 19% more self-employed people than in the second half of 2023.
The most noticeable increase was in the number of small sites (with a turnover of up to 1 million rubles per month) – by 38% compared to the previous six months. Payment turnover increased by 73%, the number of payments – by 59%, and the number of buyers – by 41%. The average bill was 2,031 rubles (+9%).
The number of medium-sized sites (with a turnover of 1 to 15 million rubles per month) increased by 21%. Turnover increased by 33%, the number of payments increased by 21%, and the number of buyers by 5%. The average check was 2,120 rubles (+10%).
The number of large sites (with a turnover of 15 million rubles per month) increased by 19% in the first half of the year. Their turnover increased by 17%, the number of payments by 19%, and the number of customers by 10%. The average bill was 734 rubles (-2%).
Tourism remains one of the leaders in the e-commerce market. During the reporting period, the turnover of travel agencies increased by 53%, the number of payments – by 17%, the number of buyers decreased by 5%, and the average check was 4,772 rubles (+31%). Hotel turnover increased by 87%, there were 52% more payments, 58% more buyers, and the average check reached 13,063 rubles (+23%). The turnover of payments for tickets to tourist attractions and exhibitions has doubled, and there have been 2.5 times more payments and buyers. At the same time, the average bill decreased by 17%, to 5,100 rubles.
The demand for sports and outdoor products has also increased. The turnover of payments in the sportswear segment increased by 37%, the number of payments – by 38%, the number of buyers – by 18%, and the average check did not change and amounted to 11,208 rubles. The turnover of sports nutrition stores increased by 37%, payments increased by 33%, and payers increased by 24%. The average bill was 7,085 rubles (+3%). Turnover in the category of goods for hunting and fishing increased by 66%, the number of payments – by 53%, buyers – by 37%, and the average check – by 9%, to 11,516 rubles.
Another popular segment is repair products. Over six months, the turnover of such stores increased 4.5 times, the number of payments more than tripled, as did the number of customers, and the average check amounted to 17,146 rubles (+35%). In the building materials category, turnover doubled, payments increased by 69%, and payers increased by 43%. The average bill increased by 21%, to 18,740 rubles. In the garden accessories segment, turnover increased fourfold, the number of payments tripled, and the number of customers doubled. The average bill was 5,109 rubles (+52%).
Fast food enterprises are also growing – in six months their turnover has increased 4.5 times, as has the number of payments. The number of buyers increased by 79%, and the average bill decreased by 5%, to 1,237 rubles. The turnover of cafes and restaurants increased by 48%, the number of payments – by 52%, the number of buyers – by 48%. The average bill decreased by 3%, to 2,561 rubles.
Service analysts studied user payments in online stores of different segments (small, medium and large) for January-June 2024 and July-December 2023. Data from more than 214 thousand online stores connected to the YuKassa service were analyzed.
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