Since 1 January 2025 year the legislation has entered into force, which allows the combination of family annuity with other benefits, such as retirement. Thanks to this many people will gain the opportunity to choose the favorable financial option. On what rules from 1 July 2025 years can receive combined benefits? ZUS explains.
Pension widow 2025. Who can receive combined benefits?
Combined benefits, in that is so called. pension given, you may receive after fulfilling the following conditions:
- Age: Women must have completed at least 60 years, and men – 65 years.
- Marital cohabitation : Until the day of the death of the spouse they had to remain with him in marital cohabitation.
- The right to family pension : Must be acquired after completion of 55 years (women) or 60 years (men).
- Military status: The applicant cannot be in a new marriage.
Important: if any of the conditions are not met, the Social Security Administration will refuse to grant the combined benefits.
How much can receive?
People meeting the conditions will be able to choose one of two options for payment:
- 100% of family pension and 15% of own benefit,
- 100% of own benefit and 15% of family pension.
From 1 January 2027 year the value of the second benefit will increase from 15% to 25%.
The maximum amount of benefits cannot exceed times the lowest pension. If the total benefit exceeds this limit, ZUS will reduce the amount by the excess. In case when one of the benefits exceeds the limit, the US will pay only the that higher one.
How to apply for the wind pension?
To receive combined benefits, you must apply for determination of benefits with family (ERWD). The form is available at ZUS outlets and on the Platform Electronic Services (PUE)/eZUS.
When to apply and how to calculate it?
The combined benefits will be paid from 1 July 2025 year. In order to receive their from that date, the application must be submitted by 31 July 2025 year. In the case of late submission the payments will start from the month,inwhichtheconditionsarefulfilled.
From1January2025yearZUShasmadeavailableonitswebsiteinterneta calculator,whichallowstocalculatethe mostfavorablevariantof benefits.Youcanalsotake advantageofhelpfromemployeesofZUS,whohelptoselectthebestsolution.