The Dino network counts now 2688 stores. In last year the company opened a total of 283 new outlets. The sale area of Dino stores was 1 061.2 tys. sq.m. against 947.9 thousand sq.m. year ago. Biedronka in 2024 year included 3700 stores. This means that Dino has o 1000 flats less than the leader market.
Today Dino Poland is one of The network founder is Tomasz Biernacki (currently chairman of the board of Dino Poland). From cashier to member of the board. Internal avancements at Dino have a longer tradition The first store under the brand Supermarket Dino opened in 1999 . in the conducted business activity. In 2007 year he established the company Dino Poland Sp. with o. o, in as a result of transformation which in 2011 year, formed “DINO POLSKA” S.A. In the years 2009-2010 he performed the function of President of Dino Poland, and from 2010 year, chairman of the Supervisory Board. Strategy of operation Dino Poland is based on a standardized store project with parking places for customers and supplied every day week with fresh products. The area of the sales room in most stores is 400 m2 . Each store offers customers about 5 thousands of items. items assortment. .Read more
History of development network Dino