
Year 2025 in retail and e-commerce – how markets can meet the challengesofconsumers?

Rok 2025 w retailu i e-commerce – jak marki mogą sprostać wyzwaniom konsumentów?

The year 2025 will bring new challenges for the retail sector -from integration with social media to using art intelligence. The strategies of brands, changing expectations of consumers and global trends are told by Bartek Kotowicz – propagator of Polish brands and consultant at KotowiczⒷ.

Retail and e-commerce from the market – what are your expectations, if it comes to 2025 year?

Polish retail brands with certainty will continue expansion in Europe, for which I strongly keep my fingers crossed. In addition to LPP, CCC or 4F, in the last year this step was decided also by Zabka, which opened the first stores under the sign Froo in Romania, and Biedronka, Which is preparing to open its first Slovak platform.

New attention is also deserved by the dynamically developing segment e-grocery, which thanks to dedicated brands, such as Frog Jush, Biek from Biedronka, or the splendidly refreshed Frisco from the Eurocash group, is becoming increasingly popular among Polish people. Development of product offers and attempts to implement innovative solutions and concepts

like no doubt will be closely related to branding activities and creation of dedicated brands.

About this we will talk during Future Retail Congress

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What We Will talk about During Future Retail Congress

At the increase of wealth and consumer awareness and the pandemic renaissance of store stands, The networks will strongly invest in remodeling of their platforms. Following these changes may – and certainly should – be followed also by rebranding processes of whole markets, because there still are many brands, whose image is outdated and inadequate to the scale of their activities.

At the same time commercial networks should remember to build attractive brand employer, which stands for many firms from the retail sector a major challenge – especially in accounting for strong competition for employees.

How do you assess the maturity of shaping markets among Polish trade networks ?

Good question, becausemarketing and branding are two different concepts, though they often are confused. Why does this mention? Although retail is excellent in marketing and much is based on it – which is visible by the dominance of commercial brands among the largest advertisers on TV, online, radio or press – this issue of consciously building the brand in this industry is not so obvious.

In retail there are areas related to the brand, which are well developed and developed, but there is no also those, which have untapped potential.

Further in the same trade there are also sectors, which develop their brands through good communication strategy, but there are such, whose recognition is primarily due to the huge number of sales points and other places of contact providing widespread accessibility.

What areas in retail do you rate positively? 

The plus serves the approach of the major brands to the so-called. brand-assets, i.e. characteristic resources of brands, such as symbols, colors, slogans and jingles. Thanks to these consumers remember and recognize brands more easily. The iconic “Ram pam pam pam” encourages us every Saturday to Lidl, green smile from far heralds the presence of Frog, and the word “Turn on low prices” directs to MediaExpert.

Positively distinguishes also the branch of electronic stores, where I see brands capable

of distinguishing through unique proposals of value. X-kom for years has prioritized intelligent selection of products and support of

customers (incidentally speaking, I love their concept stores). Morele emphasizes the simplicity of shopping online with the slogan “Shopping is the

pest.” MediaMarkt from the county builds communication around emotions related to electronics, loudly declaring “Let’s go”.

Zabka has realized the plan. 27.3 billion £ sales and 1166 new stores

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Zabka realized plan. 27,3 billion zlotys of sales and 1166 new stores

It is worth appreciating also the approach to managing portfolio markets in groups such as Eurocash and Żabka. You can see there clearly.thinking strategic – adapting brands to different groups of receivers and meeting their needs.

Where does you see potential for improvements?

Not difficult to notice, that the communication of many markets, especially in the food sector, is becoming very like. Dominant declarations of low prices, which has become particularly visible during the intensive advertising war about price between the two largest discounters. Of course, the fight for low price has sense in times of high inflation, however, it is worth remembering,

that we build brands for years. Strong association only with price can over time diminish the

value of the brand, especially if its purpose is to avoid price privatization.

Generality of communication

is especially visible in advertisements. Beyond the examples Allegro or OLX, which stand out on the tle competition and win awards, it is difficult to find campaigns referring to emotion or building the brand’s image, which goes beyond pure sales.

Allegro produced interactive film with participation of Polish actors

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Allegro produced interactive film with participation of Polish actors

Which Polish retail brands highlight their particularly positive in context of building their identity?

If I had to indicate one leader, with no hesitation I would choose Frog. I have the irresistible impression, that the “small big store” is easily driving the competition, shortening the distance between its self and customers. 

Frog proves, that a strong brand is not born from  “crushing” the competition. Its slogan and communication do not also fulfill the role of the proverbial crumble on the

So how does Frog “free our time”, how does in its campaign? Let’s take a look:

  • Zabka Drive – format store created with thought of drivers;
  • Zabka non-stop – format combines a regular Zabka for day with less service;
  • Frog Nano at night hours ;
  • Jush – shopping with express delivery;
  • Frog Nano – service-free shopping;
  • Jappka app;
  • Take this on hot – offer snacks on hot.

The Zabka group is also a whole series of other brands, which also support the promise the parent brand and work for its business success. Simply mention about Delio – supermarket online with longer delivery time, Machfit – catering diet or Dielty – e-commerce in the category catering diet.

How do you assess the evolution of proprietary brands in the Polish market? Do proprietary brands threaten the position of traditional brands producers?


is a remarkable process of traditional brands into complete brands, which now match the

level brands of producers. Although as late as a dozen years ago they were treated

po materially, Today they often are created in cooperation with recognized branding agencies and undergo intensive promotion, going far beyond traditional activities in stores. Of course prim the leading brands Lidl (Pilos, Pikok), Zabka (Tomcio Paluch, Dobra Karma, Button)  and Biedronka (Fruvita, Milk Kraina). While first brands first companies have distinguished by introducing new and developing new products,

Auchan expands the brand offer of its own

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Auchan expands offer of its own brand

Responding to the second question, own brands undoubtedly constitute a certain threat to brands producers. This is evidenced by even the idea of introducing limits on the share of brands in the offer of shops. This is understandable, because trading networks have a significant power over producers – they can not only set prices of products, but also influence their appropriate exposure.

It is important to make your own brands able to gain the trust of customers without additional support from the trade networks , which in my view is as almost in their reach.

How have the expectations of consumers changed? Do you see increasing importance of such values as sustainability development, authenticity or locality?

Many reportspoints to growing value idea “less means more”. Artificial intelligence already now provides true tsunami messages less character, which deepens distrust of this type of content. The widespread access to tools simplifying the process of creating communication – from strategy to complex creations – is causing, that marketers (greedy for effects) multiply messages advertising to square. In effects of which the customer – and not fear of this statement – is suggested messages, and more overwhelmed and lost in the crowd of contents, which are almost stagnating in his head in a shapeless mass.

For me personally technology should be in the tle,

support processes, and not dominate over them. Artificial intelligence does not replace human creativity and authentic transmission.

That’s why brands, that find the balance between learned efficiency and human approach, have the opportunity to stand out.

I am almost sure, that the longing for the other human and the human dimension will be in us so strong, that any attempt to make responsive to their services, processes or communications, will meet with a large favor of consumers.

Similarly locality strongly shapes our reality and certainly is not an other empty phrase. Already since the pandemic we have observed a return to locality, which globalization has been subdued to humbling place. This affects both national, and regional or urban dimensions. with certainty this is a trend, which should not escape the attention of any brand.

Ladybug promises sustainable development, but the numbers tell what other

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Biedronka promises sustainable development, but the numbers tell what other

The issue of sustainable development looks slightly different and is definitely more complex. Although declarations indicate, that this is valid for consumers, in practice it is different – specifically, when it comes to pay a higher price for more balanced attitudes. With sadness I must say, that.It is beginning to lack good climate for the good climate. However, I hope that the silent hope, that the brands, which have taken this topic on the standard, will not abandon their approach.

What does you think will be the biggest challenge for retail brands in 2025 year? How can firms reach for this preparation?

In technological and marketing terms, there are a lot of challenges, but they don’t differ significantly from those, that appeared in 2024 year, and those, which

may appear in 2026. These include the following. integration of trade with media social media, positioning attention

generation Z, growing importance of omnichannel as standard or meeting the expectations of customers

in convenience (from finding the product to its delivery).

Challenge number 1 is also further implementations of intelligence in practice – both in service business, and consumers.

A new challenge in this year may be economic perturbations resulting from uncertainty related to politics of the new-old president of the United States. Presidency Trump, as showed by his swearing-in, predicts more competition in global markets, reduction of action for sustainable development and return to favor interests of American corporations (especially big-tech, which had a prominent representation at this political event), Such changes may affect the priorities and strategies of makers in Europe, shaping both the general economic climate, and the situation in the retail market, also in Poland.

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10most importantpointsfromDonaldTrump’s speech

Preparingfortheseallchallengesistadifficulttask,becauseeachoftheserequireanindividualapproach.Ifhadtogiveoneuniversaladvice,I wouldsay,thatyoucannot ignoresignals-andcommunication,andtechnology,andgeopoliticalandeconomic.Inaworldcompletewithunpredictabilityanalysisandforecastingthisisthefoundationofsuccess,whichenablesnottobesuccessful.justmaintaining,butanddevelopingbusiness.

BartekKotowicz -supportsandimprovesbrandingprocesses.Createsstrategiesbrandscorporate,product,servicebasedonauthormethodologyStrongⒷrand.Creatorandmulti-yearCEOofbrandingagencystrategicEngramandbrandMasterVisualdesigninformation.FounderIBRAInstituteBranding.Initiatorandco-authorGuideBranding.Authorofproject”126Polishbrands”.Memberofjuryofthemost importantindustrycompetitions-KTR,RebrandingYear,DesignYearSTGU.


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