In 2024, Russians began to buy goods online more often for home improvement, Yandex Market analysts came to this conclusion. Household goods are added to every fifth order on the marketplace. Particularly popular are not only things for home improvement, but also everything necessary for sleep and comfortable rest.
Source: Yandex Market
Since the beginning of the year, demand for all home textiles has increased significantly: they were ordered 38% more often than last year for the same period. Among the most popular orders in this category are blankets and bedspreads (+92%), bed linen (+63%). Demand is also growing for other sleep and leisure products: since the beginning of the year, Yandex Market users have bought 60% more pillows than in 2023, 49% more blankets, and 106% more decorative lamps and night lights.
Increasingly, users of the service are ordering household goods with fast delivery by click. In the first half of 2024 alone, customers who ordered items for the home used the service 3 times more often than last year.
Yandex Market has launched an online space with goods from Russian designers