Cereals on MATIF declined
Wheat in contract with supply in March on MATIF declined by 0.8 proc. and cost 231.25 euros/ton (960 zl/t), a in flation year/year quotes increased 4.5 proc. The price of currency on the Paris exchange in the March contract declined by 0.1 proc. and was 209.75 euro/t (896 zl/t). Through the last year the price has increased by 6.3 proc.
Rebound price on CBoT
Wheat on CBoT in the March contract has become more expensive by 2.1 proc. and cost 198.60 USD/t. In the year quotations decreased by 11.9 percent. The price of currency in contract with supply in December on the exchange in Chicago rose by 1.6 percent. and was 180.21 USD/t, and for
last year decreased by 1.9 proc.
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Record prices of wheat in India
Wheat MATIF, contract March- price fell by 0.75
proc. (231.25 euro/t – 960 zl/t).
Figure 1.
March term contracts for wheat
expressed in gold are represented by the following figure:
Figure 2
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How much do cost in th year soil tests?
On the lower continuation chart for wheat listed on the Paris exchange
the long trend is declining, the medium trend is increasing, the short trend is
Chart 3
Wheat CBOT, contract market- price increased by 2.13 proc. (198.60 USD/t- 824 zł/t).
On the exchange in Chicago today the long-term trend is declining, mid-term is declining, short-term upward.
Chart 5
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Changes on milk-market. There is a merger of FrieslandCampina
and Milcobel
Corn MATIF, contract March – price declined by 0.12 proc
(209.75 euro/t – 896 £/t).
Figure 6
March term contracts for currency expressed in gold is shown below the figure:
Figure 7
On the
lower concurrent contracts for currency listed on the Paris exchange dominates the long-term declining trend,The medium-term
trend is growing, short-term growing.
Chart 8
Corn CBOT, March contract – price increased by 1.55 proc. (180.21 USD/t – 748£/t).