- From January 2025 year used clothing must segregate.
- An amendment to law imposes a statutory obligation to segregate textile waste and clothing.
- In Poland the system collection of textiles is in the main meter at points PSZOK.
- At the European level the regulations for Extended Producer Liability are being developed, imposing on producers textiles responsibility for the product at its every stage of “life.”
- Most instrumentation is suitable for re- entry in the market. The opportunities are increasingly more for such as. through special containers or collections organized by chain networks.
From 1 January 2025 year each municipality has an obligation to selective collection of textile waste. The minimum, which municipality will be obligated to provide, is the collection of this textile waste at Selective Collection Points of Municipal Waste (PSZOK) (Art. 14 of the Act of 19 July 2019 year on amending the Act of maintaining clean and order in municipalities and other Acts (Dz. U. pos. 1579) – reads on the website of the MDaily.
The change will not require us to have new containers. Textiles will be able to the mentioned PSZOKs. As we read on the ministry’s website, a good example is Czestochowa, which has taken a step further, implementing the idea of collecting textiles from home residents.
Another issue is being developed at European Union level legislation on Extended Producer Liability , imposing on textile manufacturers responsibility for the product at every stage of its “life”, and therefore also at the moment, when it becomes waste (e.g. covering the costs of collection and processing) – added the deputy minister of climate and environment.
Selective collection of clothing in PSZOK has its minuses
As stated in conversation with PortalSamorzadowy.pl Hanna Marliere, expert protection environment (Green Managment Group and Foundation Pro Terra), there are now over 2 thousand PSZOKs, a so on averaging one PSZOK per 17 thousand residents. residents. Expert noted also, that there are no organized sorting facilities, in which they could segregate their clothes, and then put their recycling in the market. This means that textiles transfer to incineration. In concerning this it is worth maximizing used clothing. You can use the special containers of the Polish Red Cross or.Foundation Eco Textil, which also cooperates also with the Polish Red Cross. The assortment collected in this way goes to shops with used clothing, to export or is processed into purity and alternative fuel (fraction RDF).
– Every t-shirt, every jeans, which does not become waste, a return to circulation or to use, have colossal importance, even in the context of global emissions and environmental pollution. I consider that this is a huge challenge, that in municipalities however these systemsshouldbecreated,beforeallhavingaconsiderationoftheponentialprogress,afirstfinaldrop-saidHannaMarliereinaninterviewwiththeSelfie Portal, Adding,thatthereareandsuchsituations,whenmunicipalitieseliminatecontainersystemsoperateduntilthistimebyentrepreneurs.