
World, Europe and Poland. Who produces most fertilizers?

Świat, Europa i Polska. Kto produkuje najwięcej nawozów?
  • Countries, which were engaged primarily in the production of nitrogen (pure component) according FAO in 2022 year. were: in first place – China, in second – India, in third – USA, further: Russia, Arabia Saudi and Indonesia.
  • The largest exporters of vehicles in the world in 2023 , on based value: in first place Russia (15.24 million dollars), in second – China (9.71 million dollars), in third Canada (9.55 million dollars).
  • According to analysts which is true the level of domestic production enables to a large degree to satisfy the needs of our agriculture for applications of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, but already those potassium fertilizers come mostly from imports.

The world predicts an increase in market value of mineral fertilizers. The Service estimated this value in 2021 at over 193 billion dollars. From the course projections on 2030 year, they are already about 240 million dollars. What is true, analysts portal inform also, that in the seasons 2011/2012-2023/2024 there was a significant increase in world demand for three basic nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but it is nitrogen that is most demanded. Demand for this was estimated to about 109.7 million t in the season 2022/2023, a in the season 2023/2024 – to 111.6 million t. At the same time estimates, that in the European Union its years 2023-2033 will decrease the consumption of nitrogen by 2 percent. Here the significant importance is the geopolitical situation, but also and actions on planned sanctions imposed on countries participating in war activities. Prognoses therefore may change, because the market and trade flows are also very diverse and variable. Therefore in the following article we do not focus on these relationships, only present by example

of previous years, how the market for mineral fertilizers is shaping both in global, as and European and foremost Poland aspect.

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.What will be the prices of fertilizers in Poland after introduction of products from the East?

What mineral fertilizers are available?

We will focus on three fertilizers: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. There is no need to convince anyone, that it is the nitrogen fertilizers that have the most economic importance, because they influence the most planting. They are mainly synthetically produced from nitrogen atmospheric. Only a small part comes from natural resources, so-called salts. saletra Chilean. The production process itself is primarily based on the synthesis of ammonia and hydrogen, for which use is gas. According to last calculations in the European Union it is that on its 70-80 proc. costs of producing fertilizers, which has transferred and continues to the problems of the fertilizer in the last years, about which we wrote in the article below. It is also worth in this place adding, that the most popular fertilizers of this group are: urea (46 proc. N), salter ammonium (34 proc. N), salter (27-28 proc. N) and ammonium sulfate (20 proc. N).

In the case of phosphate fertilizers the main serum for their production are natural phosphates, that is phosphites and apatites. However in this set there are also hard soluble salts, whose deposits are found in specific countries. For example: phosphorites are most extracted in China, the US, Russia, Jordan, but also in Morocco. Example fertilizers of this group are: superphosphates, but also and ammonium phosphate.

How does the situation apply to potassium fertilizers ? It appears that these require at least processing. Potassium chloride is a compound, which occurs naturally in nature in the form of mineral deposits. Most is extracted in Canada, but also in our eastern neighbors: in Russia and in Belarus, and in the EU – in Germany. Among products from this group can be named: potassium salt, potassium sulfate or saletra potassium.

World and European market mineral fertilizers. Who produces fertilizers?

We begin by presenting global dependencies on this market. As follows from the publication of Institute Economics and Food Economics PIB in Warsaw pt. “Market of product for agriculture – state and perspectives”, from June 2024 year. this world production of major fertilizer components (ammonia, phosphate and potassium chloride ) in 2022 year. amounted to over 250 million t in converted per pure component. IWhich interestingly, in comparison with the earlier year decreased by 3.5 percent. The reason for such status things were, of course, as it is not hard to guess, rising costs of producing fertilizers correlated with rising prices of gas, and also of other carriers of energy, for example. coal. Of course, no less important were also the restrictions on exports imposed by Russia and China, difficulties in transport of vehicles by sea, but also international sanctions imposed on Belarus and Russia because of aggressions on Ukraine. The situation was different in the year 2023. From data published from collections by International Fertilizer Association (IFA) we can see, that then the production of major fertilizer components increased, but the increase was primarily for potassium chloride.

In the report there are concrete numbers. It appears that production of ammonia, an intermediate product used for production of nitrogen fertilizers, decreased in 2022 . in comparison with the earlier year not much, because by 1.2 proc, to slightly over 150 million t in converted per component. The decline in production, which is in total with information on Europe, is resulting from its decline in countries of the Old Continent. It has been estimated at about 27 proc. per year previously. We remind you, that in the third quarter of 2022 year there were about 70 proc. power production capabilities of ammonia. In this same time in countries of Western Asia, Latin America, North America and Africa the production of ammonia in 2022 years. increased in comparison with the year previously. According IFA in 2023 year. the world production capacity of ammonia was estimated at 190 million t in per pure component. This is by 4.4 percent more than per example in the year 2020. What is interesting, in the report of IERiGŻ is noting the fact, that according projections in 2026 year, the production capacity will increase to over 197 million t.

What about urea? Because it is a fertilizer, which in the global market is the most popular. Well its production in 2022 year increased by 2.3 perc, to 84.6 million t in the pure component. Such data can be found in the Report of the Institute. This is not the end. Of course, a decrease in production by nearly 32 proc. has occurred in Western and Central Europe, but at the same time in other parts of the world recorded increases. The

market does not like the vacuum and you can see this by counts – in America.Latin production of urea increased at then by

25.7 perc., in South Asia by 9.5 perc, a in Asia West o 5.1 proc.
It is worth in this place noting, that

countries, which have been prior to producing nitrogen (pure component) according FAO in 2022 , were: in first place – China, in second – India, in third – US, further: Russia, Arabia Saudi and Indonesia.

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What with fertilizers phosphorus? Here it appears that the world exploitation of phosphate in 2022 year. has decreased in comparison with the year previous, but significantly, because to less than 63 million t of the pure component. This is the result of lower sourcing of raw material primarily from African countries and from North America. From both and in the year 2023 , the production capacity was estimated at 300 million t in mass product, a that of 11.9 percent. more than in 2020 year. What interesting, according to forecasts in 2026 year. production capacity will be increased to al 324 million t.

How does the situation look in the potash market? In this case the major importance was the geopolitical situation, prior to the war in Ukraine, because as it follows from the report, in 2022 year. exploitation of potassium salt ( potassium chloride) decreased by 16.1 proc, to slightly over 37 million t in converted per component. These declines have especially in Belarus and in Russia, because there has also decreased exports. In 2023 year the world production capacity for this raw material according IFA was estimated at about. 110 million t in mass of product, that is, almost as much as as in 2020 year.

What is interesting, as follows from data, the major countries exporting fertilizers in the world in 2023 year, on based value, were: first place Russia (15.24 million dollars), second – China (9.71billion dollars), on third Canada (9.55 million dollars). In further places were: United States, Morocco, Arabia Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Holland, Oman, Egypt, Belarus, Israel, Qatar, Spain, Jordan, Germany, Algeria and Poland (in 19 place).

These data does not finally overlap with the list of countries, which produced the most mineral fertilizers. According to FAO data for year 2022 in million t of pure nutrient the first place was China, on the second – Russia, on the third – India,

further: USA, Canada, Belarus, Arabia Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Indonesia, Pakistan, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Brazil, Qatar and


What about consumption? Of course in crisis years it has decreased. But as estimates Fertilizer Association (IFA),

global consumption under the impact of improving economic profitability of their use would increase in the season 2023/2024 by 2.6 percent., to 192 million t of pure component. According to forecasts in the season 2024/2025 – by another 2 proc, to 195 million t, a then to the level observed in the economic year 2021/2022. Will this happen after the announced decisions on EU goals to Russia and Belarus? Everything shows in practice.

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Production of mineral fertilizers in Poland

Production of fertilizers in Poland in the last years has reduced, although we do not yet have accurate data for the year 2024, but such conclusions can already be drawn on the basis of data from the years 2023 and 2022. Generally early, before the year 2022, our production estimated was a on about. 8 million t, in year 2022 shrank to 7.1 million t, a in 2023 year, to 5.9 million t. This data behind the Main Statistical Office. Of course, such as and in the earlier years the largest production volume was nitrogen fertilizers, followed by multicomponent, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

In statistics for FAO of 2022 year, it appears that our country was the largest producer of nitrogen fertilizers in .EU (in pure component) before countries such as Holland, Germany or Belgium. Poland’s share in the production of vehicles in the EU is 18 percent (in this gas 20.3 percent.), a in world production 1.2 proc. (nitrogen 1.5 proc.).

As follows from GUS data, in conversion per pure component (before year 2022 year.) production of fertilizers in Poland had reached a size of 3 million t, in that 70 percent were of fertilizers nitrogen, that is over 2 million t. After this important year there were declines. I already in 2023 year. production of this was total in pure component of 2 million t – this in reference to 2021 year. decrease by 1 million t. As informed by analysts of the Economics Agriculture and Food Economics PIB in Warsaw, the level of mineral fertilizer production in Poland in 2023 year. was comparable to that of the year 2009 . Then then, interestingly, because of the decline in demand due to decreasing profitability of applying these products, their production declined.

What with our self-sufficiency of fertilizers?

Our country since 2013 is an importer of net mineral fertilizers. And as analysts report, the saldo turnover of Polish foreign trade mineral fertilizers is steadily deteriorating. Speaking straightforwardly: negative saldo in 2023 year. exceeded quantitatively 1 million t and was record-breaking, because in year 2022 it was 760 tys. t, a in year 2021 – 530 tys. t. In translation to money value of exports in Poland in 2023 year. high – as estimates Arkadiusz Zalewski of IERiGŻ – 1.1 billion euro, a import 1.3 billion euro. As further reports experts, in 2022 year, and in the earlier years exports eq. only nitrogen fertilizers exceeded imports, and in the case of potassium and multicomponent fertilizers was on the back. But as early as in 2023 year, also in the case of potassium there was a negative saldo. So Poland has become also and an importer of net note fertilizers. This is the effect of excessive import of vehicles especially from Russia and Belarus, countries, which are involved in war, and that produce it at lower costs, including those environmentally.

The export directions in the year 2023 were primarily Ukraine, Germany, Czech and Great Britain.

On the second import pole there happened to turbulence, which finally, as we all know, contributed to record results in import from Russia. – In a period of 10 months.2024 year, imported into Poland over 1 million t of mineral fertilizers from Russian Federation (1024 tys. t). This is by 124.8 percent. more than a year previously. What more, was this quantity record. Previously a similar, but slightly lower quantity was imported in 2021 . – provided by Arkadiusz Zalewski from Institute Economics Agriculture and Food Economics PIB in Warsaw.

In earlier years also Russia was

in first place, because before 2022 year. in import dominated before all four countries, which accounted in total for almost 70

proc. import to Poland: Russia, Germany, Belarus, Lithuania. However in the year in 2022 noticeably decreased the share of Russia

and Belarus, increased for those countries, such as: Oman, Canada, Algeria, Uzbekistan, USA, Nigeria, Turkmenistan. In 2023 year, Russia repeatedly gained, because imports increased to 18.7 proc. from 10.8 proc. in 2022 year, a in 2024 year, was a record.
As informed Zalewski, in the period January-October 2024 year.The record import total was 3.46 million t – that is about 0.9 million t more than year previously. Of course, first place of this infamous set was Russia (1025 years t), second Germany (698 years. t), further Lithuania (277 tys. t) and Belarus (216 tys. t). So imports from Russia increased year to year by 125 perc.

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How do we produce fertilizers in Poland?

Well there is no doubt,

that practically all domestic production is realized in based on imported such, such as gas earth, phosphate or potassium salt. This is why our market is

very connected to this international market. In order to imagine better, where such deposits mainly are localized, it must be mentioned, that in the case of

gas there aresuchcountries,as:theUS,Russia,Iran,China;inthephosphorus case:China,Morocco,USandRussia,ainthe caseofpotassium salt:Canada,Russia,ChinaandBelarus.

Analystsbelievethattrulythelevelofdomesticproductionenablestolargedegreetosatisfytheneedsofouragricultureforapplicationsofnitrogenandphosphorus fertilizers,butalreadythosepotassiumfertilizerscomemostlyfromimports.In2022 accordingFAOPolandwasthesecondproducerofmineralfertilizersinpurecomponentsbehindGermany.InthecaseofnitrogenfertilizersitrankedfirstintheEU,similartothecaseofphosphorusfertilizers.Thisshows,howimportantthisistousmarketandwhatweare fighting for.


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