Today in Latvia there are more than 7000 long-term unemployed, who have not worked for one year or longer, With this, it is often that we can hear about the problems of enterprises with the lack of workers, so that they have to use the services of foreign gastarbeiters. About what the chronic unemployed in Latvia, why these people do not work, how they survive and what is being done for that, to return them to the labor market, Delfi Bizness told the director of the National employment agency (NVA) Evita Simsone.In Latvia Latvia long-term unemployed is a
person of working age who has lived for more than one year>without a determined place of work.
Ifthedecadeperiod,thetrendispositive:the numberofthosepeopleisdecreasing.”ThesituationhasimprovedsaysSimpson.”Thesituationissignificant.