The work on the European Central Bank digital money release is continuing in many areas in one year. One of the basic CBDC parameters “calibration” is the maximum amount available to the consumer and the rules for off-line operations .
Digital Cash equivalent,
According to the Central Bank the limit is designed to solve road problems . The digital euro is not to compete with the cash in commercial bank held in non-cash currencies. If this were to happen, credit institutions could lose the source of cash financing , without this “digital banking environment”, the vision could come fulfilled within the event of a collapse in the banking sector.The CBDC also intends to exist along with the payment options available at this time and not “throw they out of the market. In this year the ECB has to take into consideration a number of other factors including: the new form of money and the impact of the liquidity of commercial banks .
While much attention has been payed to the question of the “calibration of the digital euro limit “calibration” , further then there is no determination. Consumer representatives in the consultation indicated that the too small limit would discourage the from that form of settling. It has been suggested that the parameter which would be taken into consideration is the refund degree.
The assumptions of the digital euro scheme assume the possibility to perform operations without connecting to the network and without involving the intermediary. This tool will allow you to use a separate offline