In the coming weekend the desynchronization of the electric grid Estonia with Russia and connection to the grid of continental Europe will take place. But for 33 hours the Baltic countries will be completely in their own frequency zone. The Circle K assured that they are prepared for any scenarios, and the prepared powered generator-powered autonomous refueling stations will be able to refuel even
in the case of a scale outage of
electricity. Photo: Mihkel Maripuu / Postimees
In the coming weekend the desynchronization of Estonia’s electric grid with Russia and connection to the grid of continental Europe will take place. But for 33 hours the Baltic countries will be completely in their own frequency zone. The Circle K assured that they are prepared for any scenarios, and the prepared generator-powered autonomous refueling
stations will be available even in a scale power outage.
As a vital service provider, Circle K Maintains operation of stations with autonomous and stationary generators in Harjumaa, Järvamaa, Tartumaa, Raplamaa and Põlvamaa, covering a large part of continental Estonia. A list of fueling stations equipped with generators can be found on the website of the company.
“The ability to refuel in the event of a power outage is provided for all customers, but first for emergency services and other businesses that provide vital services,- explained Director of Motor Sales Fuel Circle K Raimo Wachtrick. – To fuel businesses need to contract with us to serve business customers, on based on which we can provide fuel even in emergency situations – or pay for fuel in cash or by bank card.”
Private persons Wachtrick recommends that people refuel their vehicles before the weekend so that when they need to go somewhere without fuel. Owners of country homes who have personal generators for in case of power outages should make sure that they have the necessary amounts of liquid fuel for their operation.
“We hope that the connection to the frequency zone of continental Europe will proceed quickly, without incidents and without inconvenience to people . We will always keep our fueling stations open on weekends, but on accident, if in the wide country because of the power outage it becomes impossible to pay purchases with bank cards, “It’s worth it to stock up a small amount of cash in advance,” Wachtrick advised.
In the same way, Circle K prepared for the possible emergency situation caused by the electricity outage in Latvia and Lithuania, where on the weekend autonomous electricity will
be provided at six fueling stations in Latvia and
at fifteen – inLithuania.