
Winter or is already pre-spring? Plants have resumed vegetation.

Zima czy to już przedwiośnie? Rośliny wznowiły wegetację
  • Field surveys provide much evidence of that the current field conditions are more like pre-winter than typical winter.
  • Crops have already expressed growth roots. Even beans are stimulated to activity.
  • Nietary species wintering does not freeze. Groot wintering has been doing well. Vegetation even sown in autumn hubarb years.
  • What more not has frozen even species years form components of mixtures intercrops.

 Winter or is already pre-winter? Every watcher of nature is asking himself already this question. Clues of birds in the sky, some shrubs and trees already have buds. In fields the winter plants are green, on plants it is difficult to indicate post-winter damage. As we look closer, it appears that evidence of that, that it has already before-winter is more. Will February be similarly warm? If yes (and forecasts talk about predictably positive temperatures) then plants will quickly move in full spring vegetation. If on the other hand there is an other frost front, their state and condition will be threatened. 

Root hungry and resumed vegetation

During lustration of winter you can notice the clear already awakening of plants to activity. The day is longer, there are and more often sunny days, and temperatures exceed magic 5st. Celsius. No should therefore surprise the fact, that plants conduct physiological activity. Young growths of roots can already measuring even some centimeters. The rosette on the other hand is practically undamaged, and in the heart part are young new leaves. The only things that have lost are the oldest leaves, which are dead due to neglect of nitrogen (are yellow or brown). A long autumn and warm winter have caused that significant quantities of nitrogen have been consumed, and what follows is the plant needs supplementation with nutrients. This is why many plants need to supply their

nutrients.  Will be able to do in February? This will be determined by the framework

so-called. program nitrate, a more precisely the criterion of earlier termination of nitrate. 

Sowing fertilizers in February.

See rules

Read more

Seeding fertilizers in February. See rules

Cereals also stimulated to activity

Not only throw we show stimulated activity. A lot also happens on plants of cereals. You can see already, already at the narrow bush young roots (they are about 0.5-1cm long). The leaves are green and and are most often with discolored violet, a therefore they are metabolically stimulated. Their violet shade testifies because of the fact that they are already taking plants asot, but they have the problem of taking phosphorus, because the soil is too cold

for that. Looking at cereals you can also notice the problem of cereal disease. On leaves there

are visible grey traces of cereal and grasses, and what important there are together young


Lustration of-thistle-bush after winter. On what would you attention?

Read more

Lustration of crops after winter. What to pay attention to?

cereal.jpg cereals.jpg

Weeds are increasing

In oziminals the problem is also increasing the weeds. Species wintering, unfavored in autumn have gained large sizes, and some even pre flowered. They also have young growths of

roots which indicates that through the

winter they are stealing the crop from nutrients. You should also be aware, that they recreate vegetation even earlier than winter which causes they quickly dominate with their presence around the plant crop. 


 Species in intercrops didn’t freeze

A few winter days with slight frosts and times with snow totally didn’t hurt even plants years. In central country such species as facelia, mustard and turnip leaf, oats have been such.Great. Many indications indicate that that there

will still be living green, and this may have importance in context of eliminating intercrops winter. We remind you, that the

intercrops sown in the ecoscheme must remain on the field until 15 February (as crop or mulched

) After

this time they may be eliminated

(e.g. plough it). 

When does multicrop have high value fertilization?

Read more

When does multicrop have high fertilizer value?” Evaluates prof. Sczepaniak

Non-typical year and wintering species

In very good condition there are also non-typical species sown in

autumn with thought of a mild

winter. The wintering pea has been where what happens and forms green cover. No visible damage on it after winter. What is more in very good condition is also hulled harvested in autumn. This is is a new trend among farmers, who favor warm winters. 

 One should also

have awareness, that warm winter is also higher risk, that active some pests are (ex. roach garbage) or

diseases of plants. And they also are favored by higher temperatures.

Does mean that we also have to

findnotypicalwinter?We willreturntothistopicinMarch,whenitisusuallyalreadytalkingaboutthepre-winter. 


Whetherthecropofwinter thistleisthreatened?Peltingvegetationdoesn’thelp


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