
Wine sparkling on Valentine’s Day – what does a survey of theshelfstore show?

Wino musujące na Walentynki - co pokazuje badanie półki sklepowej?

Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday, which couples often spend with a glass of musical wine in hands. One of the most chosen beverages for romantic dinner is prosecco. eLeader is using its Shelf Recognition AI to verify which brands of wines music dominate on store shelves. As many as 52.4 proc. places

on this are occupied by 5 leaders. Poles buy musical wines not

only on Saturday

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Poland buys wines sparkling

not only on Sylvester

Valentine’s Day is the next day after Sylvester, which is honored across the world. In conjunction with celebrations consumers frequently decide to purchase proscecco, to praise the day of love with their other half. This sort of drinks usually becomes an addition to a romantic dinner or date. eLeader, a technology company specializing in providing solutions to support sales, examined how in the last half year 2024 and in January 2025 looked the shelf of wines must. The study proximates the current situation in the branch before the upcoming holiday and indicates leaders in the category. The most visible on store shelves brands were in this period: Monte Santi, Mionetto, Martini, Dorato and Cin&Cin. Most place on exposure in th category in the second half of 2024 year was held by Monte Santi with 13 percent. shelf share, slightly ahead of Mionetto.

– In Poland the wine muscle segment steadily is growing and is gaining importance. From the Nielsen IQ study, that People between November 2022 and October 2023 spent on Italian wine music prosecco close to 396 million £ in over 12 months, that is by 15.9 percent. more than a year previously, one that has been responsible for 45 perc. sales in the muscle wines category – says Iwona Puchacz-Wośko, analyst exposure at eLeader.

What muscle wines dominate?

From the analysis conducted by eLeader of the shelf wines muscling, it follows, that in the last half year on shelves dominated brand Monte Santi with share in exposure at level.13 proc. However in individual months of the previous year there were also wine Mionetto and Martini. From last data of January 2025 year we can read, that on shelves it already dominated Martini with 11.1 percent. share of shelves, and Monte Santi had only 10.6 percent. share on the shelves, substituting place also Mionetto, having 10.9 percent of exposure.

The competition for presence on the shelves is also visible in win Dorato and Cin&Cin, occurring in the last half of 2024 year on average 8.2 percent. and 8 proc. Further in June 2024 year brand Cin&Cin had slightly more shares on the shelf than brand Dorato, which steadily increased its shares on the shelf last month. In January 2025 year Dorato had already held 9.2 percent of the shelves, while when Cin&Cin held 7.5 percent of shares in exposure.

– From data on shelf exposures shows, that the rivalry in the wine music category is very fierce between the three most visible brands, that is Monte Santi, Mionetto and Martini. In each month researched the title leader category belonged to a different manufacturer, but always to one of three brands. However after analysis of half a year we can state, that Monte Santi occupied the most percentage of exposure. A similar rivalry continues also between brands Dorato and Cin&Cin, which already occupy a smaller percentage of the shelves – says Iwona Puchacz-Wośko, analyst of exposure at eLeader.

W what shops dominate leaders wines muscle?

The least dominated by leaders shelf in the win music category, also those non-alcoholic, in the second half of 2024 year had a chain of stores Delicatessen Center, where almost 82.1 proc. exposure belonged to other brands than 5 dominant ones. Low percentage of dominant leaders is also on shelves of such stores, as Kaufland, Leclerc, Carrefour and Auchan.

More than 50 percent of shelves in these stores are occupied by brands other than 5 dominant ones. In the portfolio of stores Delicatessen Center there are wines sourced from Factories

Win and CERVILLE, a French and

German networks also have a large portion of assortment sourced from their center producers.

In 4 chain stores on shelves dominates Martini and in three same Mionetto. Monte Santi dominates in three chain shelves while Daisy as the only of thesurveyed network stores at the largest degree of to Cin&Cin and Dorato.

Because of the high popularity of win music we can expect that they will become a frequent choice during the Valentine’s Day celebrations. Surveys by NielsenIQ show, that the popularity of wines must cause that the industry is only and less dependent on sales over the Christmas-New Year period, which may contribute to the growth of store shelves in this category independently on the opportunities for celebration.

A study ofexposurewinesmusclingonshelves,eLeaderhasbasedondatafrom14tradingnetworkswiththetoolShelfRecognitionAI,whichallowsmanufacturerstoautomaticallyanalyzeexposureonlywiththepictureofthestoreshelftakenwitha smartphone.ThisisnotthefirstsuchstudyconductedbyaPolishcompany.PreviouslyeLeaderusedthissametechnology,topresentm.exposuresofbeverages,beers,musicintubesorenergy drinks.


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