
Will the permit for fertilization of the substrate be withdrawn,sincethecooling has occurred?

Czy pozwolenie na nawożenie azotem zostanie cofnięte, skoro nadeszło ochłodzenie?
  • Criteria for earlier termination of fertilization this value is unrevocable. 
  • Farmers from regions, in which have failed to obtain permits feel disappointed.
  • Chill does cause changes on IMGW-PIB maps. The once issued permit for application of nitrogen is valid until end February

W compared to last decade January It got colder and the average day temperature dropped below 3°C. This is normal in the winter period, however has this importance in the context of permitting the use of fertilizers in the frame

the so called. criterion of earlier termination of nitrogen fertilization. 

There is a permit on

nit in ozimin. Applies to selected counties

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is pozwolenie na azot w oziminach. It affects selected counties

High daily temperatures at the end of January contributed to this, that had succeeded with on February in many regions to obtain permission to apply nitrogen. Along with the new month came cooling, which is expected to last less than until mid February. It means that, that

there are  the chances of that, that something on the map IMGW-PIB will change. 

Delaying the first dose of nitrogen is a loss in platoon. Regulations recognize increasingly

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Delaying the-first dose of-nitrogen that’s losses in plon. Regulations recognize increasingly

Criteria this value is unrevocable

Those who have received a permit on February 1 this will be updated until the end of this month. The criterion of the earlier date of the note is unrevocable and once announced is valid for the whole period of this month. That is as it “lights up” the county in yellow – color this will not disappear until the end of February.

If.will warm may turn green, which means, that the next threshold is achieved and you can even already carry under cultivation jare

(in this apply for example. bark). 

Program nitrate a fertilization. See, how it has been in

the  past years and check required documents

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Program nitrate a fertilization. See, how has been in the past years and check the required documents

Summarizing From the moment the five day threshold temperature 3°C for winter plants, multiannual and on TUZs may conduct fertilization with nitrogen, without regarding whether there is a decrease in temperature. The farmer then at any time may decide to apply nitrogen fertilization, unless unfavorable conditions are created for his application. One must remember, that according to the law on vehicles and fertilization of

the day 10 July 2007 year (OJ U. of 2015 year, position 625) prohibits the use of

any fertilizer on soils flooded with water, covered with snow, frozen to depth 30 cm and

during fall rain.

In two microregions you can already treat with debris. Where to be exact?

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In two microregions you can already fertilize obornikiem. Where documented?

Plants are vegetating, why so few counties are “glowing”

Farmers based on weather forecasts are fearing, that on the map of IMGW-PIB nothing will change for the next weeks. 

 -In my opinion the publication of map representing counties in the territory of Poland on 01.02.2025 year. is taken with from the capital. Similarly acts as the drought application. I tracked average dailytemperatures and does not understand why so few counties are marked on yellow – talks to Bogdan Kubacki farmer farmer farmer farmer from the county of wloclawski. 

For evidence he provides screens of average daily temperatures that have  from the end of January from the

website of IMGW-PIB. On their basis it appears

to be that one,

a short wasting temperature has affected this,

that only in part of the country was allowed to use nitrogen, and in others had not succeeded in this threshold . On the based on this data we can also see why in the subcarpathian in two small regions appeared the color “green”. 

Source: IMGW-PIB Source: IMGW-PIB



Todayinozymesclearlyvisiblewarmingvegetation.Furtheritscourseinthenextweekswillbeonlyslower fromrationcooling.Asthentherewillbea warming,thestimulatedplantswillveryfastwithvegetationathenmayfortimenotbeactivatedwithtoolatenote,especiallyiffieldconditionsdo notallowadditionalentryofheavyequipmentinfields. 




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