- PO MP Krzysztof Bojarski appeals to the Minister of Development and Technology regarding the collapse of glassworks caused by gas price increases.
- A wave of corporate bankruptcies is sweeping across Poland. Some are struggling with falling demand and an overwhelming increase in the minimum wage, others are exhausted by electricity and gas bills. The situation is getting ugly.
Edwanex is the last glassworks left in the Lublin region, which was brought to the brink of bankruptcy by increases in gas prices in 2021/2023. Is the company facing bankruptcy? This would be a blow to workers and the region. The steelworks employs over 120 people.
They produce bottles for alcohol. Are they facing bankruptcy?
Edwanex has been producing glass for over 40 years. It creates table and decorative glass as well as bottles for premium spirits (including the Belvedere, Paprocky and Aman Tequila brands). The steelworks uses three production methods: automatic press, automatic blowing machine and manual production. Its products are known not only in Poland, but also abroad: in Europe and in the USA, Mexico and Japan. The company has won numerous industry awards.
Production of a bottle for Belvedere, photo: edwanex.com/pl
Gas bills at the glassworks. In 2020, they pay PLN 1.6 million and two years later PLN 11.1 million
Currently, the company is struggling with problems resulting from huge increases in energy prices. In the three-year statement, the company's gas bills amounted to: in 2020 – PLN 1,692,962.32; in 2021 PLN 5,182,035.59 and in 2022 PLN 11,154,201.51.
– The jump in energy prices forced the steelworks to invest heavily in a new heating system for the glass furnace. Other energy-intensive production plants found themselves in a similar situation. The reorganization of PGNiG carried out at that time and its takeover by PKN Orlen under the leadership of President Daniel Obajtek had disastrous consequences for many business entities, including the Edwanex steelworks. The investments made by Edwanex at that time resulted in lower bills for heating fuel, but generated other costs – repayment of loans and interest – writes MP Krzysztof Bojarski.
The last glassworks in the Lublin region. Five others are no longer operational
The MP adds that labor costs have increased significantly. Currently, the steelworks employs approximately 125 people, including 25 Ukrainians whom it trained and provided with accommodation. The situation on the glass producers' market is also proven by the fact that the Edwanex glassworks is the last workplace in this industry in the Lublin region. According to data from Edwanex, five other glassworks ceased to exist – in Parczew, Dubeczno, Dąbrowa, Krzywda, Chełm.
In 2023, the plant received support in the amount of PLN 4,101,739.40 from the Ministry of Development and Technology, represented by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Unfortunately, this did not compensate for the steelworks' debt.