According to data the National Institute of Nature there are about 500 thousands of historic objects inscribed in the register and national evidence of historic monuments. To verify the consequences of the minister of culture proposals studied on the digitization of objects accessed as WMS (Web Map Service) 5 adjacent to yourself municipalities in war. Western Pomeranian (municipalities: Cedynia, Morin, Mieszkowice, Boleszkowice, Debno) – calculated by experts from Respect Energy. – The results show how drastic consequences may result in the implementation of resort culture. On the studied area the total wildlife potential is 3048 ha, a after the separation of 1500 m from historic facilities there is 1604 ha left. This means that the eliminated is about 47% of potential
As reported by PSEW representatives, in none
of the European countries adopted regulations do not indicate the specific distance that must be maintained between the site and the wind power plant.
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The government windfalls about windfalls are tired not only investors
Planning investment in close to historic facilities shall precede the design of the power plant by consulting with local authorities for protection of historic facilities and be compliant with obligatory local plans yes, to ensure the proper protection of cultural heritage.
Decisions in this area are taken individually with consideration of the type and form of historic and the impact of investments on the cultural scape.
– The idea of Minister of Culture and National Heritage is terrifying and you can see the lack of awareness of its consequences. This is certainly huge quantities under the wind energy in Poland, which is supposed to be the pillar of Poland’s energy transformation. This is a clear sabotage, especially that the submitted ideas are unjustified substantially and unsupported by any research and concrete arguments – comments Janusz Gajowiecki, president.Polish Association of Energy Wind.
With remarks not agreeing also with the lawmaker – the Department of Climate and Environment recommends not including these changes. In the letter referring to the remarks convinces, that there are tools in the law system that guarantee the protection of the sites in the case of locating on a site of a wind power plant.
“The regulations in force enable to implement the purpose indicated in note, because provide protection of the sites at some stages of the investment process. What more, they are a solution more effective from introducing one minimum distance necessary to apply in every case, allow to
apply a flexible approach, adapted to each specific case. This approach permits more effective action and enables compromise
between different policy objectives of the state, in this case the protection of historic and development of
energy and the enhancement of the energy security of the country” – reads in the justification prepared by the MMKiŚ.
Government pushing for windmills are already fatigued investors and experts, stressing the urgent necessity of green transformation, which without energy from the wind will not happen.
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– In other European countries there is no legislation so detailed regulating wind energy, a in Poland this is the only technology, which different “experts” are trying to limit. We don’t have time or money to waste this potential – each year of blocking energy wind is a loss – economic, environmental and social. People are waiting for expensive current – a energy produced in OZE installations such as wind power is today even 3 fold cheaper than in the production of energy in conventional power plants using coal or gas. People want to be healthy – then according to the MMC annually
90 – 100 thousand people in Poland die early due to diseases,caused by smog and air pollution.
Only in 2023 year. lack of transformation cost us at least 260 billion gold, when, when the
transition to a low-carbon economy is an investment of the government 158 billion yearly in the years 2026-2030. I finally – People want to be secure, and the independence of our country is our own energy resources. If someone does not recognize these key priorities and considers, that their winds are reduced that doesn’t act to our country’s benefit – believes Janusz Gajowiecki, president of the Polish Energy Wind Energy Association.
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Resort of Culture and National Heritage withdrew the amendment
Hennig-Kloska she said, that the resort of culture withdrew an amendment, the purpose of which was to introduce a minimum distance of windmills from sites equal 1500 m.
The problem is that if we adopted such protection (…), that practically this law would not make sense. (….) I don’t see a threat from the site of wind turbines, on the contrary – they will supply these facilities with current – assessed the minister in conversation with TOK FM.
The new regulations are also to regulate the possibility of locating wind power on the basis of a specific type local plan of development, which is the Integrated Investment Plan. Windmills will not be possible to place in Nature 2000 areas.
What with Ministry of Agriculture? Will it also block the windmill law?
Hennig-Kloska questioned in TOK FM, whether the witch law is already ready and when it will go to the Sejm replied:
It is ready, it is on the Standing Council ofMinisters.Inthisweektheaddendum,toresolvethelast(…)disputesorremarksofotherministries-informedtheheadof theMinistry.
She notedthattherehadbeena numberofcommentsfromdifferentdepartments;mostofthesehavebeenwithdrawn,some of them.rozstrzygniętatakjakwprzypadkuresortukultury.
Zdaniemministerklimatuiśrodowiskazostałyjeszcze”drobnerozstrzygnięciazministremrolnictwa”.Oznaczato,żeotymjakszybkozakończąsiępracenadprojektemustawyoinwestycjachwiatrowych,będzieterazzależećgłownieodMRiRW.Jednak Hennig-KloskajestdobrejmyśliinieprzewidujeżadnychproblemówzestronyMRiRW,przyzgłaszaniuostatecznychuwagdoprojektuustawywiatrakowej.