In recent years, the group of the best-paid professions – not IT specialists or bankers, but doctors – their monthly gross salary in case of full workload was 4,805 euros, according to data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO). However, this is not the only surprise. For example, the fastest growing salary in the last few years was for garbage collectors. Why did doctors top the list? At what age can you earn the most? Is it profitable to trade on the street? Who stays late at work more often and works overtime? And does the size of the salary still depend on the presence of a diploma? As Delfi Business explained in the CSO, the most recent data is available for 2022, since the study of the salary structure is carried out every four years in all EU member states using a single methodology, ensuring the comparability of wage indicators.
Will I collect garbage? Doctors top the list of the highest paid professions in Latvia, but there are also some less obvious heroes
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