Area of winter crops in Poland is about 4.4 million hectares. To this, if we are talking about oziminas, there should be added about 1 million ha of rape, which totals 5,4 million ha of plants staying on fields in the winter period, not including the difficult to estimate areal of farm species from seeding in autumn. In estimated at about 14 million hectares of land in Poland this is nearly 40 percent. We are definitely talking therefore about species very popular and phenomena, which should interest a large part of farmers.
Hardening the basis for proper wintering
Hardening can be described as the gradual adaptation of wintering plants to low temperatures, enabling their better preparation for winter rest and proper wintering. It is important that at this stage the plants are in the appropriate stage of vegetation, as at least sensitive to low temperatures, hence therefore the key was the appropriate
time of seeding, as also the weather course in the autumn, on which however
from obvious reasons we do not influence.
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Proper hardening of plants increases their ability to successfully survive low temperatures. Well hardened barley can withstand frosts of order -15°C, wheat -20°C, and triticale and rice even to -30°C. Of course this is also dependent on other factors, such as. the mentioned seeding date, phase of vegetation or the presence or absence of snow cover, to which we will follow further.
The hardening process facilitates the acquisition of frost resistance, without which plants already decrease by some decreases below zero. In his progress the ability of colloids to bind water, and there are also transformations of protein substances. We also observe the inhibition
of growth, the accumulation of sugar and the consolidation of cellular juice, also through the displacement
of water. This facilitates the accumulation of reserves for the winter resting period and prevents
the disintegration of cells by freezing water.
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Snow is important for plants
First of all, if we are talking about wintering plants, Snow constitutes an invaluable insulating layer, protecting it from cold and wind. Snow cover increases the winter hardiness of plants, which is perfectly visible in sets of temperatures, how they are able to survive individual species in different conditions, a forever with snow cover or without it.
In the case of snow there are some key values: -10°C without snow cover and with wind, -15°C without snow cover and without wind, -20°C with snow cover and with wind and -25°C with snow cover and without wind. If it comes to beans in winter, well hardened barley is able to withstand without snow cover and frost of order -15°C, wheat -20°C, and triticale and rye even to -30°C. Under snow on the other hand, because of insulation from external conditions, the resistance of
plants to low temperatures will increase. It is difficult to determine data, and there is talk, that under
the snow cover of 10-15 cm thick wheat or barley without problems will survive short falls to
25°C, a in when living indicates even -35°C under snow.
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At the same time snow is invaluable for plants water. There is no reason what spring talks about less or more water in the post-winter. This is necessary for the proper growth and development of plants, and its deficiency is unfortunately reflected in declines in plant yield. Snow, in in contrast to rain, consists of however.flakes a not drops, hence therefore the thickness of the snow cover is say 5 mm not meaning 5 mm fall. Snowflakes can be different, often “on eye” you can see that it’s falling fine or thick snow, through which is difficult to obtain accurate results, while in averaging it is assumed that that 1 cm of snow is about 1 mm of fall. However, it should be noted, that this applies to fresh snow in freezing weather, when in round 0°C its density is significantly greater and then the ratio of thickness of snow to the size of fall may be 1:1.
When snow becomes a problem
While the values of snow in the context of thermal isolation of ozimin and of water after winter are valuable, in some
circumstances it has on also advantages. Before all, that the desirable features of snow, about which we talked
above, are successful, no necessity is frost, because only then does the snow cover have the appropriate density. Wet snow
is heavy and does not permeate the air, thus that plants under it can suffocate. With sometimes however the frost must end, and then it is important tempo of thawing.
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from one party cannot be too fast, that the once appears a large quantity of water doesn’t drown the plants, however, from the othertheslowincreaseoftemperaturecanleadtothesituation,whenthesnowhasalreadymeltedandthesoilunderitstillisfrozen,throughwhichwaterhasnowheretosoakandtheremayalsohavebeensubmergedinplants.Also,in additiontothefloodingitself,anadditionalthreatistheaccelerationofthedevelopmentofdisease-causingfungiincaseofhighhumidityandincreasingtemperatures.Otherissueisthereistheresnow mold,developingasitsnameindicates,thereisunderthesnow cover.