
Who should be responsible for the base of marked dogs? Veterinarians believe, thatonlytheyare.

Kto powinien odpowiadać za bazę oznakowanych psów? Lekarze weterynarii uważają, że tylko oni

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  • In the anti-chain law it is not specified, who should be responsible for the database. In the law on KROPiK this is to be AMiRR. Applications are and other candidates
  • The base will contain detailed data not on the dogs, but and on their guardians. She should therefore be extremely protected
  • Veterinarians are reminded, that they perform a profession of public trust so trusting the


    in their view, would be as almost right


The Supervisory Committee for the protection of animals (NOZ) held a public hearing on the citizen proposal of the law to amend the law of animal protection and amend some other laws. As reported by Dorota Nedziela vice speaker of the Sejm, who conducted

the hearing, 165 notifications – 68 from organizations and 97 from physical persons. The order of appearances overlapped with the order of applications.

The new base of animals

is a multi-million investment. We will drop on it all, paying for chipping. Foto. krakenimages_Shutterstock

Read more Deputy Minister of agriculture confirms: chipping of all dogs will be mandatory – will be paid by the guardian

Agitating for the “base for veterinarians”

Marek Mastalerek, president of the National Veterinary Council (first appearance) talked about the issue for the Council and from long publicized, that is about the question about that, who should maintain a base of all chipped dogs, and in the future and cats. From one side the problem is outdated, because in the law on the National Registry of marked Dogs and Cats it is written, that the registry is to be run by AMiRR, an organization, which already runs the registry of cattle. The draft law on KROPiK has goes to the Emergency committee, the same that is working on the law.anti-chain, which was the subject of the hearing yesterday.

Remember, that the citizen project to amend the law on protection of animals, known as “the chain law.” provides for the imposition of marking dogs with microchips and the establishment of a single official database for marked animals. The purpose of these activities is to fight against animal homelessness and eliminate pseudo-breeding dogs.

The project does not specify, which institution will be responsible for maintaining the centralized database. Specific solutions concerning management of the registry and the entity responsible for its maintenance are to be defined in further stages of legislative work. It is not however clear, whether the civic project of the “chain law” will be integrated with the government registry of AMiRR, or whether will also provision the creation of a separate database.

Therefore agitating for the “base for vets” still makes sense.

The profession of veterinarian is a profession of public trust

During his parliamentary speech Marek Mastaler exposed veterinarians as having an extremely important role in reducing homelessness of animals. He reminded, that already now the veterinary authority runs three extremely important bases – doctors, veterinary practices and passports for animals. This last base could be the foundation of a new one, since the passport receives only a labeled animal.  Beyond this the profession of veterinarian is a profession of public confidence which means that trusting their base with sensitive data to guardians is justified. The planned base of chipped all dogs, as Marek Mastalerek pointed out, should be functional and reliable. Trusting it to veterinarians ensures the fulfillment of both of these conditions. This has already been proven and other European countries, in which it is the veterinary authority that is responsible for collected animal data.

In an earlier conversation with portal InfoWet Marek Mastalerek formulated one other argument: – We are an organization, which operates on the basis of the law, we cannot go bankrupt, will stop activity.

He also explained that “marking in accordance with the regulations in force should be performed by veterinarians, working in medical institutions for animals, because it is a veterinary medical procedure. The government exercises in accordance with law the supervision of the proper performance of the veterinarian profession and supervises the work of all veterinarians.facilities treatment for animals. Trusting us to maintain the registry of marked dogs would ensure that supervision of each stage of this system would be

in one hand, which would guarantee its effectiveness. The doctor would enter into the registry the relevant data, confirming the previous marking. This would cause the

base to be authentic and reliable

and this is the most important. It could be added to it by mandatory vaccination, sterilization. This would limit the scarcity

related tohomelessnessofanimals.ItcouldbecombinedwiththeapplicationmCitizen.”

Howeverwillingtorunbasestherearemore,among others.Among others,areapplyingtoprivate companies,whichhaverunbasesforyears.

Theissueisthereforeopenalthoughwehave to admitthatitfiresmostthosewhorunsuchbases.Hundredsofthousandsofdog caregiversareworriedaboutothers-thatthepaywillfallon them.





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