
Who fired cooperative producers watersheds? Farmers accuse activists

Kto podpalił spółdzielnię producentów trzody? Rolnicy oskarżają aktywistów

The fire on the main farm of the cooperative Evel’Up happened on Saturday 25 January to Sunday 26 January br. Animals and people in it have not suffered, but losses in the building seat cooperative are estimated to sometimes hundreds thousands euros. Firemen and police confirmed, that the fire was the result of arson. The news has caused an outcry of farmers and farmer organizations across the country. The environment indicates on activists and demands their prosecution – reads on portal La France Agricole.

An outrage farmers

Union officials called the incident an act of terror against farmers and called for an effective investigation and sanctions for the perpetrators. The branch associations FDSEA and Young Farmers (JA) from Bretagne issued a press release, in which they call the arson of the ferm “unacceptable violence” and “criminal attack.” The reaction to the fire was protested by the National Association of Pork Producers Inaporc and the Association of Meat Groups Bretagne (UGPVB).

Farmers have demanded “a decisive reaction from the authorities” and introduce more dissuasive punishments for acts of sabotage activists against breeders. The most important postulated “bogeyman” should be – in farmers’ opinions to deprive guilty organizations of all grants and tax exemptions from donations.

Radicalism activists is growing

In the opinion of UGPVB “these events are a very unsettling signal of escalating acts of violence against people involved in agricultural activities.” “Breeders of pigs and cooperatives feel great pressure and lack of support. Farmers need to have the possibility of peaceful work, to supply the French, without fear of their facilities or of their self,” the organization notes.

“Justice must stop any further attempts to use violence against this sector, which and such is already too often attacked by activists, whose radicalism steadily is increasing,”- stresses from the Inaporc.

It turned out that the accusations of farmers were not founded. Now after the fire activists group Frites (Intergalactic

and Territorial Revolutionary Forces) published a letter protest. They accuse in it of cooperative Evel’Up favoring intensive and large-scale production, which they called acting against

interests of farmers.

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