The German and Netherlands politicians are actively using the theme of restoring border control in their campaigns, but in practice they have no resources, no sufficient number of staff to control widely. This creates problems for carriers and
trade. Police control at the border in Germany. Photo: SEBASTIAN KAHNERT / DPA / Scanpix
Politicians in Germany and Netherlands are actively using the theme of restoring border control in their campaigns, but in practice they have no resources, no sufficient number of staff to control widely. This creates problems for carriers
and trade.
After the Schengen Agreement was signed in 1985 in the 29 European countries withdrew from border controls, allowing the free movement of people. Of these countries 25 are members of the EU.
But now the favorite in the upcoming election and possible future chancellor of Germany,theconservativeFriedrichMerz,hasannouncedplanstoimposepermanentbordercontrols.