- Plant protection treatments always pose a great risk of poisoning for bees.
- The greatest risk of bee poisoning concerns insecticides from chemical groups belonging to neurotoxins.
- Insecticides used according to the label do not always have a negative impact on bee colonies. There are substances that are indifferent to these beneficial insects – this is the result of new research by IOR-PIB in Poznań.
In 2023, IOR-PIB in Poznań conducted research on the impact of selected active substances of plant protection products on the behavior of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.).
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How to reconcile the protection of honey bees with the control of rapeseed pests?
3-month follow-up
In the experiments, bee colonies were observed for a period of 3 months after the application of the selected plant protection product.
Compared to control families, the following were noted:
- number of dead individuals,
- insect behavior at the entrance to the hive,
- behavior inside the hive,
- behavior and functioning of foragers outdoors (their numbers in a selected area, frequency of food intake).
In the final stage of the research, the correct functioning and development of the family were assessed.
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Acetamiprid – the same active substance but different formulations
Source: IOR-PIB in Poznań
What results were obtained?
In semi-field experiments conducted at the IOR – National Research Institute using bee colonies placed in isolators with flowering rapeseed plants, properly carried out insecticide treatments did not cause disruptions in the proper functioning of bee colonies , except for isolated cases in some replicates for the active substance from the pyrethroid group.
Research conducted at the IOR – National Research Institute once again confirmed that acetamiprid is not harmful to bees.
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Fight against the Colorado potato beetle. Are there still effective insecticides?
Source: IOR-PIB in Poznań
The substance is one important company and formulation
As reported by IOR-PIB in Poznań:
– The basic indication for professional users of plant protection products should be the adoption of the principle that there are no plant protection products based on synthetic active substances that are completely safe for honey bees. Even those that are considered harmless become risky or dangerous in certain formulations. Therefore, so-called generics of unknown origin should be avoided, especially among insecticides, advise scientists from IOR-PIB.
And they add:
– It is essential to follow the recommendations and information contained in the label of each plant protection product regarding the conditions of use and the withdrawal period for honey bees.
Source: IOR-PIB in Poznań
Source: IOR-PIB in Poznań
How to minimize the risk of bee poisoning?
Common sense and a responsible approach to plant protection treatments are important in all this.
As scientists from IOR-PIB in Poznań advise:
– Regardless of the chemical group and mechanism of action, it should be performed in the evening, after the bees have flown. If the treatment requires an extended period of time, as long as it concerns an area that is beneficial for bees (flowering crops and fruit plants, flowering weeds, etc.), the treatment should be completed a few hours before the bees are likely to appear, i.e. 3-4 hours before sunrise.
It is very important for farmers and fruit growers to communicate with beekeepers and to inform each other about the location of hives and chemical treatments in order to possibly secure the apiary.
Source: IOR-PIB in Poznań