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“The wildcard syndrome” has been called appearing since August last year a case of strong neurological disorder in dogs. In the symptom of the disease there are first seizures, unresponsiveness of motions and stroke. Subsequently the symptom is joined to this seizures. These disorders do not cause death of animals, however the dangerous
may sustain even for some weeks.
How for time there is no known mechanism of these disorders, Nevertheless a recent discovery by researchers from the Veterinary University in Hanover, has shed some light on the issue.
Scientists from have hypothesized, that these disorders may result from nutritional factors. The point of departure was there was an observation, that disturbing symptoms appeared in some animals together, which suggested either an infectious disease, or food poisoning. One of the tropes is the relationship between the appearance of unsettling symptoms, and the consumption by dogs of bones beef. It has been proven, that in some cases the dogs actually received such food for a short time through symptoms of disease
As for times it has been proven unambiguously the relationship between consumption of beef, and the occurrence of clinical symptoms. Scientists stress, that this type of neurological disorder may result from different diseases. Hence they do not concentrate on only the nutritional thread.
The research work also involves researchers from Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. They
developed a questionnaire for owners of dogs, who have appeared to have disturbing symptoms. The data collected will help confirm the meaning of the nutritional factor and identify other mechanisms responsible for the occurrence of disease.
Source: Agrarheute.com