Biedronka ended 2024 year with a record number of 3 730 stores, opening in the year 187 new platforms net. then Dino, which traditionally concentrated on smaller locations, also recorded dynamic growth, opening 238 new stores and finishing the year with 2 688 outlets. However Dino is starting to go to larger cities, testing its new urban format. Does this mean, that the rivalization of both networks will enter a new level?
Group Jeronimo Martins Poland, owner of network Biedronka, has reported a few days ago data financial for 2024 year. We find out from it, that under the Biedronka brand at the end of the year operated exactly 3 730 places. The company in the year opened 187 new stores (in number net 161). One of competitors the chain – supermarkets Dino – at the end 2024 year. counted 2688 stores that meaned accurately 1042 stores less. However Dino opened in in 12 months 238 stores, that meaned 51 locations more.
Dino will take Biedronka under in terms of number stores in 14 years
If Dino will grow at the current rate, opening 238 stores per year net,
a Biedronka will keep its yearly growth netto at level 161 stores, Dino will take Biedronka under
the number of stores for 14 years.
development network Dino to III Q. 2024 year. (source- presentation
network) Tempo
development network Biedronka (source- report JM for 2024 year)
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Dino with appetite for agglomerations
Biedronka and Dino are expanding their network of stores according to differentStrategy. Thanks to this they don’t get in the parade. This among others can explain the fact, that both networks are increasing the number of stores, despite and more competition of the Polish market.
This may happen only soon, because Dino is more often going to larger cities. Dino has already tested the urban concept, of which an example is the store in Dom Handels Feniks in Wrocław. 15 May2024year,thenetworktookoverthelocationafterSpołem.
Till nowDinohassetitsownfacilitiesmainlyinsmallerlocations.Nowthe chainisdevelopingalsoaformatadaptedtotheneedsoflargecustomers.Theinterestingquestioniswhetherwilldecidetomakeitsdecisioninthecity?