
What will the prices of ferries in Poland after the introduction of productsfromtheEast?

Jakie będą ceny nawozów w Polsce po wprowadzeniu ceł na produkty ze Wschodu?

In this respect referred to the information of 28 February 2025 , when the European Commission received the evening request to impose tariffs on a series of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus, also on some fertilizers of nitrogen. Details on this issue have followed and now we have a broader view,

about which we wrote on

Duties will block import

fertilizers from the East? Not necessarily

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Customs will they block

import nawozow from the East? Not necessarily

What duties on ferries from Russia and Belarus?

On the topic they have told us more Arkadiusz Zalewski. – From 1 July 2025 year. this is to be 40 EUR/t in the case of nitrogen vehicles and 45 EUR/t in the case of multicomponent vehicles. These duties will increase every year, by 20 and 25 EUR/t respectively, and only from 1 July 2028 year. they will be raised to the maximum level 430 EUR/t in the case of multicomponent fertilizers and 315 in the case of nitrogen. Additionally there will of course still be the existing customs rate of 6.5 proc. ad valorem – explained the expert.

Will this affect the market?

– In my assessment only these maximum duties will cause imports of fertilizers from Russia and Belarus to stop paying. However, it should be noted, that in Poland the share of vehicles from Russia and Belarus in the import structure from third countries is relatively high on the tle of other countries EU,

from this also because of the introduction of increased tariffs on ferrals from Russia and Belarus may be on the Polish market more discernible than in other countries EU – Zalewski believes.

This is not the end.

I consider, that only the introduction of maximum tariffs on nitrogen and multicomponent from the Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus, which is planned on 1 July 2028 year. or then after exceeding the established limits in particular periods of application of increased duties, will cause radical or total stop imports from those directions. By this time import of vehicles from these countries it is likely that will be implemented, but that will also be.gradually

decrease, which will

enable increase native production or increase import from

alternative directions, a consequence will lead to dependence of national or then EU agricultural production on fertilizers from Russia and Belarus – told portal Arkadiusz Zalewski.

Poland fertilizer prices in Poland

Before announcing the proposal KE for cele the Institute Economics Agriculture and Food Economy PIB referred to our forecasts of fertilizer prices.

– From beginning 2021 year to September 2022 year there was an observed systematic monthly increase in prices on the national market of mineral fertilizers. From October 2022 year there has been a slowdown in price increases and transformation of the growth trend in a declining trend. The declining trend, which was facilitated by increased imports of fertilizers in that from countries with lower production costs (such as for example. Russia and Belarus), “flattened” only in the II month of 2024, in associated with the increase in gas prices observed from the end of February 2024 year, which has begun to affect prices in the opposite direction. More however, as results from analyses of IERiGŻ PIB the average annual fertilizer prices were on average by 23.1 percent. lower year year. Faster does not mean only expensive. Fertilizers in 2024 year were average of 79 percent. more expensive than 4 years

previously, that is in

2020 year, a then in the period when

prices of vehicles were relatively low and stable. And how have changed in that time for example, the prices of cereals or milk? Wheat has become more expensive by 10.5 perc, rice o 6.5 proc, corn o 12.9 proc. a milk o 52.2 proc. – estimated for nas Arkadiusz Zalewski 28 January morning.

He added at that time, that in his assessment further decrease in the price of deal vehicles in the domestic market is rarely likely, even despite increased imports of fertilizers observed in 2024 .

– In the next months prices are likely to moderately increase, and the increase in prices may affect especially nitrogen fertilizers because of the reason.more expensive gas earth and increasing costs of gas production fertilizers (prices of

gas TF being the point of referral of gas prices for consumers in the EU have increased since end February 2024 year. already over 2 times

to about 48-50 EUR/MWh). Additionally the dynamics of price increases will depend on accumulation of purchases in the seasonal increase of demand. Additionally in

the excluded case of increased tariffs on ferrals from Russia and Belarus the dynamics of increases may be increased,

however it will be distributed in time – informed us on 28 January morning Arkadiusz Zalewski.

Now after

the facthe maintainshisposition.


ExpertabouttariffsonferriesfromRussiaandBelarus.Howwillthemarket react?WillpricesgoupupReadmore





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