In the summer, it is customary to celebrate Trade Workers' Day in Belarus. Therefore, experts from rabota.by, one of the free job search sites, decided to find out which specialists are most in demand in the retail industry in 2024.
Among the job seekers this year, girls were the most likely to go looking for work—they account for about 80% of resumes in the retail sector. If we consider candidates by age, then mainly specialists from 20 to 29 years old (28.2%) and from 30 to 39 years old (25.2%) were interested in a new job.
In terms of work experience, employers are ready to accept applicants without work experience – over 60% of such vacancies are published in the retail trade sector. Specialists without experience also showed interest in finding a job (46.7%), as did candidates with more than 6 years of experience (30.3%).
During January-June 2024, the average number of active retail job openings increased by just over 21% year-over-year.
About a third of the offers (28.7%) were placed for work in grocery retail chains, another 15.6% belonged to companies selling clothing, shoes and accessories, and about 10% belonged to online stores. Additionally, the top five areas of activity included vacancies from non-chain retail and small wholesale, as well as construction networks and other household goods
Among the leading regions is Minsk, with just under 40% of vacancies. Among other regional centers, proposals were distributed almost equally, with the exception of Mogilev and the Mogilev region, as well as the Vitebsk region.
More than one in three vacancies (35.1%) posted this year were for sales consultants. Behind them, the top ten most sought-after specialists included:
- salesman;
- merchandiser;
- salesperson-cashier;
- controller-cashier;
- administrator;
- head of department;
- store manager;
- promoter;
- manager or sales specialist.
If we talk about salaries in retail trade, it is worth remembering that salaries may differ from region to region. The data presented by rabota.by experts takes into account vacancies only in retail trade with any work schedule and throughout Belarus.
Additionally, it is worth clarifying that by maximum values in this case we mean the values corresponding to the 90th percentile, i.e. 90% of offers are below this value, and 10% are above. This method allows you to show the situation on the labor market and take into account small differences in wages from employer to employer, from type of employment, work experience, work schedule, and so on.
Employer salary offers for the top 10 specializations in retail trade, 2024:
Minimum, BYN
Median, BYN
Maximum, BYN
How has the median salary changed compared to the same period last year?
Shop assistant
1 615
1 000
1 460
1 480
1 100
1 450
1 465
1 160
1 505
Store Manager
1 000
1 315
Head of Department
1 275
1 615
1 480
2 250
Manager or sales specialist
1 000
1 540
2 250
The median salary is the salary level when 50% of employers are willing to pay more than the specified value, the other half – less.