Both of these commodities recorded an equal number of queries, averaging 110,000 per month. The next places were occupied by queries about fuel prices (an average of 90.5 thousand per month) and wheat (49.5 thousand per month).
The Leadership Institute has checked which prices interest Polish internet users the most. Analysis of the average number of queries in the Google search engine in the period 08.2023 – 07.2024 provides interesting information on consumer trends and preferences, but also concerns about price increases.
Gold and oil prices attract the most attention
Among the prices of products and services, Polish internet users were most interested in the price of gold. On average, there were 3 queries about the price of this precious metal every minute, and over the course of 12 months, interest increased by almost 50%. For centuries, gold has served as a safe haven for investors in times of economic and political uncertainty. The increased interest in gold prices may be related to global geopolitical tensions, currency fluctuations and fears of inflation, but also to the unfavorable interest rate offer on bank deposits. Surprisingly, the interest rate on deposits was asked 10 times less often, only 12.1 thousand times a month. Investments in gold are becoming an alternative to deposits, the interest rate of which often does not protect against inflation.
The interest in the price of oil tied for third place on the list. An increase in the price of oil can lead to a general increase in prices in the economy, and higher transport and production costs can be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices for food, energy and other basic goods. This directly affects household budgets, reducing their purchasing power and increasing the cost of living.
– Both areas, despite being so different, aroused similar interest and it seems that the motivation in both cases is the issue of security. In the case of gold, it is of course about the security of the investment. On the other hand, the security of the conducted business, the attempt to predict the prices of goods and the security of financial liquidity related to it dictated the search for oil price trends – explains Piotr Gąsiorowski, president of the Institute of Leadership.
Interest in agricultural sector prices
The prices of agricultural products, such as wheat (49.5 thousand queries/month), grain in general (33.1 thousand queries/month) and rapeseed (22.2 thousand queries/month), also occupy high places on the popularity list, which indicates a great interest in the agricultural sector. These products are the basis for many industries, including the food industry, and have a key impact on food prices. The interest in agricultural prices also reflects the interest of farmers in the profitability of their production. For agricultural producers, price volatility can mean unstable revenues and financial risks that require appropriate management and hedging strategies.
Poles are concerned about electricity prices
Electricity prices also rank high in the price interest ranking (22.2 thousand queries/month). Over the last 12 months, the number of queries about electricity prices has increased by over 80%. This significant increase in interest suggests deep concern among both consumers and businesses in the face of rising energy costs.
For households, rising electricity costs translate directly into higher electricity bills. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware and concerned about how rising energy costs affect their daily expenses. For businesses, especially those with high energy consumption, rising electricity prices can lead to significant increases in operating costs. Intensive media coverage of rising electricity costs and their impact on daily life and business also contributes to increased interest in energy prices.
– The multitude of emerging information about what and how will affect energy prices raises uncertainty and questions about what energy solutions to adopt for new investments, both industrial and individual. Interest in electricity prices also results from the confusion on the renewable energy market and the issue of what is worth investing in and what possible support is available on the market – explains the expert.
Prices of essential products and services at the top of Poles' searches
The list also included queries about prices related to health: the price of root canal treatment and implants (9.9 thousand queries/month each), progressive glasses (5.4 thousand queries/month) or construction materials such as paving stones (12.1 thousand queries/month), metal roofing tiles (6.6 thousand queries/month) or external roller shutters (5.4 thousand queries/month). As for the automotive industry, the interest ranking included a query about the price of a Dacia Duster (6.6 thousand queries/month) and the price of chassis maintenance (4.4 thousand queries/month). Among the most popular price inquiries there was also one from the catering sector – regarding prices in the McDonald's restaurant menu (8.1 thousand inquiries/month) and two related to tourism – regarding the Chochołowskie Thermal Baths (14.8 thousand inquiries/month) and prices for rafting on the Dunajec River (5.4 thousand inquiries/month).
Observing the results of the ranking, one can notice a trend that Internet users most often look for information on the prices of products and services that are considered essential. In turn, the prices of products and services that are not essential do not arouse such interest.