Classification of soils
In Poland agriculture when evaluating soils we use primarily bonitization. Soils of arid soils count in to bonitization classes from I to VI (with VIz) – from the best to the worst properties for growing plants. In practice farmers often treat soils of classes I-IIIa as the most valuable in plant production, classes IIIb-IVb as medium, a class V and VI as the weakest positions.
In assessment there may be considered also complexes of agricultural suitability of soils, which we distinguish 14, of of which the first 9 apply to soils of native and upland areas, and the other define mountain soils and useful for green use. This division focuses on the classification of soils under the possibility of cultivation on the specific plants and co-indicators, for example. complex wheat very good includes soils of classes I and II, a in addition to wheat it is suitable for cultivation also of sugar beet, thistle winter, beans, clover red and lucerne. From cultivated soils complex of livestock very weak belong to class VI and can on these crop rye, lupine yellow, cheese, potatoes, wheat winter.
Recommendations do not obviously mean to prohibit or mandate cultivation of a species of plant on a specific station, but have a pragmatic dimension. Sowing crops on soil of the first class we obtain which is truly much better plant grain, than on site “under leaf”, but is worth it? On the best soils priority in cultivation has been given to plants more demanding and with greater planting potential, which often is combined with higher profit from sales of raw material. This also works in the other way – not
always worth “agonizing” wheat on sandy or acid soil, if the rye is to such
location better adapted and despite difficult conditions it can produce satisfactory plant.
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What makes that plant is winter?
Cereals and plants ole
Wheat is of course a cereal for the best location (soil class I and II). For goodSoil conditions and careful agrotechnology receives a high plot of grain, whose price in the cup exceeds other cereals. The decrease in plant on worse soil complexes is significant. Barley is suitable for cultivation on good and medium soils, though in the case of this species the major importance for the yield than type of soil is its reactivity and drop in the vegetation period. Triticale is supposed to be a “compromise” between wheat and rye both in requirements, as and crops. Purpose is to crop in fields for weak to crop wheat, but with too good, to seed rye.
Traditionally with the worst soils we associate cultivation of oats and rye. Ovines do not have high soil requirements, well suffer cultivation on weaker locations and tolerate low reactivity soils. It however is sensitive to drought due to large water requirements. Rye is valued as a species adapted to cultivation on weak soils. It manages water sparingly and suffers low pH soils. Corn has moderate soil requirements and is a plastic species. “forgives” growth also on weaker stands, if they are maintained in good culture, and planting will be properly aggressively managed.
Crops, to as best realize their significant crop-forming potential, they need care and good stand, maintained in high culture. Although thistle traditionally has been included in species cultivated on good soils, progress breeding and agrotechnology enables its cultivation also on slightly weaker states with good results, however on condition of careful management of plantation. High soil requirements has leaf lime; from both slightly already forgotten leaf goes well
also supports weak soils. Sunflower does not recommend cultivating on soils worse than class IVa, though quite well suffers periodic water shortages, which
may occur on lighter soils. It is important, that the site have regulated reactivity and do not form on it and have water retention.
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Crop and motile plants
Among crop plants have developed in practice a division: beet sugar in the best soils, a potato in weaker ones. Beet sugar requires for cultivation of good soils, of high culture and proper structure, fertile, with regulated reactivity. High requirements result in, among other things. from precision seeding, high sensitivity of young plants to unfavorable environmental conditions, high demand for water and nutrients . Potato is suitable for cultivation on weaker, light soils and is not sensitive to soil reactivity, however requires optimal supply of water. In cultivation on fries and chips the soil requirements are higher. Potato suffers cultivation on heavy and waterlogged soils.
Among motile plants thick-seeded on the best states it is recommended to cultivate beans, which requires soils compact, fertile, good moisture, with regulated rainage. Also edible varieties of peas should be appropriate for good soils (class I-IIIa); pasture varieties have slightly lower requirements. Soybeans should be cultivated on good soils (cl. II-IIIb), fertile and bushy, without tendency to scaling and with regulated reactivity. lupins are associated primarily with weaker states (from class IIIa even to VI), although it is possible to distinguish their soil requirements. Among lupins the best standings require the white lupin, followed by the leaf lupin. Lupine yellow is a species, which successfully on weak soils with lower water (optimal pH 5-6). Vyka seed (spring) requires for cultivation good, compact, rich soils with optimal humidity (classes from II to IVa). More tolerant to weakness of stand is the vegetation (winter), which can be grown even on soil V class.
Among motile fine-seeded clover red, clover pers, lucer seed and lucer mix are species, which are recommended for cultivation on good soils. Morerequirements have clover white and clover incarnate. On the weaker standings they can cope with seradella, common clover and nose white.
The borders are blurring
Determining the soil requirements of plants and the suitability of different soils for their cultivation has its justification and is a helpful guideline again. However today in practice we already frequently have to have a rigid division of “intensive agrotection and demanding plants in the best position -. extensive production and less demanding plants on weak stands.”
The selection of plants in fertility is most often dictated by other factors, like knowledge of technology, equipment of the
machinery park, the distance to posts of purchasing, or the demand for data
agricultural products and the price thereof.
Deficiencies in and increasing degree canbecompensatedbydevelopedagrotechnology,usingmoderntechnologiesforcultivationandseeding,fertilizationandprotectionofplants.An important allyistherebreedingofplants,whichinresponsetopracticeworksonimprovingnewvarietiesalsoindirectionofsuitabilityforcultivationondifferenttypessoils.