
What makes the plant winter?

Co sprawia, że roślina jest ozima?

Winter hardiness and frost hardiness

Winter plants from season are distinguished by obviously winter hardiness, i.e. the ability to survive hard climatic conditions in the winter, autumn and pre-winter, such as variations in temperature, strong winds, high humidity soil, the formation of ice crust, lack of snow.

An important element of general winter hardiness of winter plants is their frost resistance, that is their resistance to harmful effects of temperatures below 0°C. Of course plants there are also able to survive in the case of frost, but something of most a few degree and short duration. Well hardened winter will endure longer periods with temperatures reaching between -15 a 35°C.

The capabilities of winter plants to survive unfavorable winter conditions are in addition to genetic conditions modified by various other factors. Winterhardiness can be influenced by choosing the appropriate variety, the time and density of seeding or fertilization. Extremely important is also the course of atmospheric conditions, which affects the hardening of oziminals. For appropriate hardening the best, when the autumn is substantially dry and long, with slow lowering temperatures. Warming waves in winter and large amplitude temperatures in pre-winter

may lead to the hardening of plants and increase their susceptibility to thawing in the case of returning frost.

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What makes ozymes ozymes, is going through jarovation (otherwise called vernalization or jarization). The concept of yarization consists of biochemical processes, necessary to transition from vegetative development to generative development, which occurs in plants under the influence of low temperatures, occurring in winter – which is why we seed them in autumn. If plants in winter sow in spring, when it is already warmer -.Will not flower and will not produce grains.

Jarovation of wintering plants comes properly, when they are exposed to temperatures between 0 a +5°C (up to +10°C) for longer time, even some weeks, for example: 10-30 days for barley, 20-50 days for living and 20-60 days for wheat. Vernalization occurs also in vegetables in spring, but at higher temperatures (between +5 a +10°C) and in shorter time (from a few to a few days).

Despite mild winters in the last years they are so cool, that they provide the ozimin vernalization, however there are predictions that deepening changes in climate may cause unfavorable effects in this area. Sometimes yields can prove to be the source of problems – for example, when frost affects sugar beets and leads to the creation of pastures. Agriculturally it is difficult to influence the yielding process, though to a certain degree it can be done by adjusting the sowing date. 

As an interesting on this topic we can refer to the figure of Trofim Lysenko, a Soviet “biologist” and “agronomist”, a actually a charlatan, spreading in the USSR harmful and anti-scientific theories, who had adequate education and experience, but thanks to the support of the Stalinist aparatus of power, had ascended up the levels of career. He proclaimed among other things, that wheat can be converted into rye, genes do not exist, and self-pollination of plants is “incestuous”, which causes low yields.

Lysenko early gained fame thanks to the “discovery of yarivation” in 1929 , but not in the understanding, about which we speak in this text. A self-proclaimed expert proclaimed, that thanks to storing grains in the cool place and wetting, beans in winter transform in year. Such experiments have already been previously conducted in different countries, but with less success.

Despite this Lysenko and Soviet authorities announced a great breakthrough in the fight for high plots in the USSR. Theory about changing winter crops

in yare obviously not successful in practice, but in fear of the Stalinist regime from the villages flowed to Moscow reports of

the success of the new method. In result “yarovation” was promoted even more, deepening the problem of neglect and starvation of

Soviet villages.

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