
What major solutions will introduce the law on market powerin2025?

Jakie najważniejsze rozwiązania wprowadzi ustawa o rynku mocy w 2025?

The Sejm enacted on January 24 2024 year,  prepared by Ministry of Climate and Environment an law amending the law of market power.

It strengthens the energy security of Poland for the next years. We are completing the mechanism guaranteeing the supply of energy to our homes and businesses -. wrote minister of climate and environment Paulina Hennig-Kloska after the law was passed on portal X.

Mechanizm rynku mocy zapewnia możliwość wynagradzania uczestników rynku za ich pozostawanie w gotowości do dostarczania mocy i zapewnienie dostaw energii elektrycznej do systemu elektroenergetycznego w przypadku wystąpienia problemów z pokryciem zapotrzebowania

na moc w systemie w okresie przywołania na rynku mocy.

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t of wheat. This is about 49 proc. more than 4 years ago

The market powers provision of , among other things. stable supply of electric energy to households . Power is contracted with some years in advance and provides covering the demand of customers for energy in a given year.

The imposition by the EU of the emission CO2 limit in the market limited the number of entities, which compete in the auction framework. This situation may lead to the lack of covering all the demand for power, which is necessary to ensure the safety of supplies. 

In to resolve this problem, the government

will introduce additional supplementary instructions, in framework that will allow participation of producing units emitting more 550 kg CO2/MWh

and their competition with other entities, which meet the emission limit of 550 kg CO2/MWh.

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What major solutions will the market law introduce?

Under the current mechanism of market power there will be supplementary actions.

There will be four supplementary auctions for the following delivery periods : II half 2025 year. (auction half year) and for year supplies 2026, 2027 and 2028 (auction year).

The supplementary auctions will be conducted after the supplementary auction market power, that is. will be conducted with less than a year before the moment of beginning of the so-called power obligation (lead time).

The supplementary actions will be in essence an extension of existing processes of market power (including auctions additional). Will be organized in the case, when

after the first process market power for a year of supplies (auction main and auctions additional), there will be problems with

sufficiency of producing resources.

Organization of supplementary auctions after completion of additional processes for a given year of supplies will ensure, that themaximizedparticipationofsuppliersofcapabilities,whomeetthelimitofemissionsCO2.



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