
What is the truth? Farmers value the ARiMR, KRUS and KOVR, but donot?

Jaka jest prawda? Rolnicy cenią sobie ARiMR, KRUS i KOWR, czy jednak nie?

Judging by comments, which appear very often under different texts published on, opinions about the work of such institutions as ARiMR, KOVR and KRUS are not saying gladly – flattering.

Many of these are not suitable for quoting, because of the “language of the message”, but this, which has appeared under one of the last articles as we can: – “The most reasonable move would be the abolition of ARiMR, ODR, IR, a significant reduction of Ministry of Agriculture and KOVR and

the redirection of energy of these people to useful work.”

Is in Poland justified for regionalization of direct subsidies?

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Whether in Poland is justified regionalization of direct subsidies?

What other however does talk about the work of the institutions report Poland rural and agriculture. is what is true?

Farmers trust agricultural institutions

Trust in public institutions acting for farmers declares 47,6% of farmers, lack of confidence 20.4%, while 32% do not have a opinion from the report.

Among farmers the most trusted are internet services (34.5%), other farmers (34%) and employees of ARiMR, KOVR or CUS (32.4%) and employees of municipality (31.6%).

Among the activities taken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Villages the best appreciated by farmers obtaining additional 600 million EUR for support of Polish agriculture and agricultural and food processing .Food from KPO (52,5% positive indications) and unblocking in EU measures KPO for agriculture (49.4%). Also residents of cities (similarly however as farmers and residents of rural areas) highest esteem the issues related to CPO measures.

Respondents were divided about the evaluation of MRiRW dot. concern about the interests of Polish agriculture in Polish-Ukrainian relations (35.8% positive indications against

41% negative indications).

Residents of cities are significantly less informed about the activities of resort

agriculture and, significantly frequently indicate the answer “I don’t know / difficult to say”.

What is the source of most stress among farmers?

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What is the-source of the-biggest stress among farmers?

Service farmers there are ok


Nearly 90% surveyed positively rated e.g. quality of service at units ARiMR and KOVR (83.3%) and KRUS (86.4%).

Farmers highly appreciate particular aspects of ARiMR -function – competence of employees (more than 90% positive appraisals) and the ability to submit applications via the internet, ability to contact phone and time open Agency (about 80% positive appraisals).

For persons, who are not farmers, and have done issues at Agency, the ratings are slightly lower. The least positive opinions were about the evaluation of the possibility of submitting an application through the internet (21.5% of respondents from this group).


information Agency Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture nt. support for farmers were appreciated positively. The

highest recognition was for information activities implemented through information points and internet portal ARiMR.

Very good and good rated they respectively 67.4% and 66.4% of farmers, who expressed their opinion.

How farmers assess the financial situation of their farms?

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How farmers assess the-financial-situationoftheirfarms?Readmore

NIKiDW,KOVRandMRiRWwilltranslatetotheprosecutor’s office.Badlyspentpublicmoney.

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