
What is the source of the greatest stressamongfarmers?

Co jest źródłem największego stresu wśród rolników?

As we already wrote about this, from the latest report Poland rural and agriculture shows, that over half of farmers surveyed consider, that the largest barrier to development of agriculture is the low profitability of production (67,2% of all indications) and difficult to sell products (55.9% of indications) and high prices of

energy and fuel agricultural (47.7% of indications).

Read more:

How farmers assess the financial situation of their farms?

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How farmers assess the-financial-situation of their holdings?

Thus – in the opinion of the same farmers, who took part in the study – that their farm provides support for families, that in the next 5 years they need first to: investment in new agricultural machinery (56.8% of requests), refurbishment of owned machinery (49.1% of requests), purchase land (48.6% of indications), build or expand existing buildings business (46,5% of requests), renovation of house buildings, including replacement of roof (42,2% of indications) and investments in improving energy efficiency or renewable sources of energy (43.2% of indications).

Nothing therefore surprising, that farmers are stressed

According to people managing farm the source of stress in farm is first all: “Uncertainty economic” – 64.6% of indications, and “numerous obligations and work to do in agricultural farming” – 50,5% of recommendations, when less than half of respondents managing the farm (40,3%) recognized, that in the last five years on the farm they had implemented changes, which had the purpose of

improving the safety conditions of work.

In context of this last sentence, it is worth reminding about those regulations, which went into use with the beginning of the

new year:

Changes from 1 January 2025. Cut subsidies for lack of BHP on the farm. But for commuters and

for the farm.What specifically?

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Changes from 1 January 2025. They will cut subsidies for lack of BHP on the farm. But to and for what concretely?

What do farmers expect?

The greatest support was among respondents managing farm the following proposals for changes on agriculture. agriculture: reduction of bureaucracy in agriculture – 64.2%, reduction of mandatory gouging – 58.5% and reduction of number of controls in farm – 54.5% (values percentage dot. sum of recommendations “yes it is necessary”).

According to residents of rural areas, in order to make Poland agriculture more profitable, that by 2050 year. should in first order help farmers to repay loans (45.8%), adapt poland agriculture to climate change (43,9%) and support generational change (43.8%) and specialize and increase productivity of agricultural farms (35.4%).

Residents of cities share these indications though in slightly different order. Their opinion is to adapt Poland agriculture to climate change (49.6%), to support generational change (40.2%), to assist farmers in repayment of credit (37,5%), support specialization and increase the productivity of agricultural farms (36.7%) and support combining agricultural production with non-agricultural (3,6.4%).

Both residents of cities and villages are agreeing about this, that increasing profitability of agricultural production will require support for automation and digitization of production, which will replace seasonal workers in agriculture.

What other survey showed Poland rural and agriculture 2024?

For an example that farmers participating in the survey most often declared use of mineral – nitrogen fertilizers, phosphorus, potassium (74.2%) and natural solid fertilizers (54.9%). These last – according to information provided by respondents – are primarily from own animal production (62.1%).

W for fertilizer nitrate 1/3 farmers use the tables in the nitrate program, while 1/3 use programs and applications to set doses of phosphorus and potassium. Many farmers recognize, that they dose mineral fertilizers at their own discretion.

The percentage of farmers, who have used the assistance of advisers in determining fertilization was in the case of azote.Less than 15% and in the case of phosphorus and potassium slightly over 11%.

The vast majority of persons managing the farm, who have used in the last 12 months of advisory services by employees of Agricultural Advisory Centers (41,6%) positively appreciate the advisory service received (“very good” – 50.3%, a “good” – 40.8%). Fewer appraisals very good (35.2%) farmers gave to advisory services provided by private entities.

How perceived are protest farmers?

Media has given much attention to agricultural protests, so respondents were asked what feelings these information (“Media has given much attention to agricultural protests. What feelings are aroused

in you by this information. Please choose one answer, which best characterizes your feelings.”). Almost half of farmers

participating in the survey (49.6%) selected the answer “support”, and 15.7% – “interest.” Persons unrelated to agriculturefrequentlypointedtoresponsessuchas”overloadofinformation”or”impatienceandboredom.”aoveronethirdofthisgroup(34.1%)selectedtheanswer”support.”


JakiPolexit?Residentsofrural areaspraisesobiemembershipinEU.

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