
What does the year look like on fields in Argentina andBrazil?

Jak wygląda rok na polach w Argentynie i Brazylii?

Brazil and Argentina are countries, ranked among the largest producers and exporters of important agricultural crops, like corn or soy. How in the two most agriculturally important countries of South America does the annual distribution of field and growing season of the most important plants crops? Important differences can be seen not only in comparison to Europe, but also between Argentina and Brazil, which is due to differences in the climate of those countries (in Brazil the tropical climate prevails; Argentina is generally “drier” and cooler). The calendar of fieldwork is differentiated even in one country,

for example. between north and south Brazil.

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Brazil: work field and vegetation season in year


In September in the southern hemisphere spring begins. On the overwhelming area of the country the winter wheat is harvested, at which depending on the region the harvest is at different stages of advancement. In parts of regions farmers are going to early seeding of corn and soy. September is the driest month in Brazil, a temperature in a day is about 25°C.


Seeds corn and soybeans are harvesting tempa, begins the season of sowing rice, nuts ground, sorghum. In part regions there are harvested cereals in winter. The frequency of rainfall is increasing, temperatures during day are about 25-30°C, and sometimes above 30 degrees.


November is the month with the most sowing soy – work continues in the area of the whole country. In the last phases there are seeds of currency for the first harvest. Soy from early seeding begins flowering at the end of November, blooms also corn from early seeding. In Southern Brazil the crop still lasts, until December, the cereal harvest. Temperaturesare high, rainfall rains are increasingly intense.


In most territory of the country seeds soy are approaching the end, early seed soy flowers and blooms stem, treatments are performed to protect plants. Sowed is cotton and sorghum. Corn from early sowing finishes flowering and fertilization, begins pouring grain. Rain falls already practically daily, temperatures oscillate in the range of 30°C and above. In the southern hemisphere summer begins summer.


Soybeans from the earliest seedings are suitable for harvest and transfer to processing. Other plants soy, from the late seeding, flower and set stalks, perform protective treatments. Corn fills the grain. Sowings of sorghum and cotton are underway. January is usually the most rainy month in the year, it is hot and humid.


Harvesting soy from earlier seedings, the harvest takes to ports. On most plantations from late seeding soy is in the filling phase. The harvest of corn sown for the first harvest in spring begins. Simultaneously after harvested already soy seeded is corn for the second harvest, so-called safrinha. Locally seeded is sunflower. Rainfall still occurs with high frequency. February is usually the hottest month in the year with temperatures exceeding 30°C.


In March with the most intensity there are harvests of soy and its export. The harvest of corn seeded for the first harvest, when corn safrinha is developing in fields after cut soy. In the southeastern part of the country they are already being wintered. In the southern hemisphere it begins autumn, rains lose intensity, temperature becomes more moderate.


The soy harvest is slowly approaching the end in the most important growing regions of this species. Corn is cut for the first harvest. Corn safrinha for the second harvest completes vegetative development and transitions into the generative phase. On the larger area of the country the cereal crops are starting (wheat, barley). Temperatures are moderate with frequent rains.


Harvest begins for the earliest sown corn for the second harvest. Depending on the sowing date and region the harvest is still late soy and corn for the first harvest.

The seed is the crop of winter,like wheat and barley. The harvest starts early for seeded



These are winter months in the southern hemisphere, though winter in Brazil is quite

dry, and temperature rarely drops below 15°C. Harvested is corn safrinha, cotton, sorghum, sunflower. Unusually by June the last seeds of winter crops; those sown earlier are in the period of vegetative development.

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Argentina: work field and vegetation season in year


There is vegetation of winter crops. W depending on the period of weather in parts of the country there are first seedings of corn, sunflower, powder, rice. Temperatures oscillate about 20°C, but still happen in waves of cool weather. Precipitation rains are periodic.


Prior to October fall the seeds of early corn. There are seeds of sunflower, rice, proses. Locally may begin seeds of cotton and sorghum and earliest seeds soy for the first harvest. The winter crops are blooming and flowering. Temperatures exceed 20°C, rainfall is irregular.


Farmers often divide the seed corn in two stages: early in October and late in December, with a break in November. Tempa crop from the collection of seeds soi for the first harvest. Cereals over winter fill the grain and ripen, in fields appear for the first harvest. Harvested are also thistle. The earliest cultivated corn and sunflower are starting to bloom. Still seeded is sorghum, rice, prosoil, cotton, begins sowing seeded planted earth. Increases the frequency of rainfall and waves hot.


Begins the second phase of seed corn – late. The harvest is cereals and thorn. The finish sowing soy for the first harvest, from the crop in fields after harvested winter wheat is soy for the second harvest. The seeds are running out of sorghum, rice, powder, cotton. Temperatures are.very high, usually with falls of rain, though there are droughts.


The late sowing of corn and soy for the second harvest (after wheat) is coming to an end. Corn and sunflower from early sowing finish generative development and begin maturing. Soy sow for first harvest blooms and sets strings. The finish the harvest of cereals and thistle. This is usually the hottest month in Argentina. Frequently there are droughts in this period – which is why farmers move seeds corn in November, because the flowering of such plants would fall in January without water.


Crop vegetation is underway. Early sown sunflower and some plantings of corn are fit for harvest. Soy for the first harvest fills the pods, soy for the second harvest flowers. Corn from late seeding is in the flowering and fertilization phase. The weather is still hot, rains are becoming more regular.


Tempa harvest corn from the first seeding phase (September-October). Corn from the late sowing (December) pours grain. Sunflower, rice and early soybeans are harvested. Temperatures are slowly lowering, rains are moderate. The autumn begins.


The harvest soy for the first harvest is underway; soy for the second harvest fills the strings and matures. The harvest is finished of corn seeded in the first stage (in October). The harvest is forgo, rice, cotton. Temperature is falling, rainfall is moderate.


Begins harvest of corn from late, decade sowing. The harvest is ending

for the first harvest, the harvesters enter the planting soi for the second harvest, the seeded

after wheat. The harvest of sorghum, rice, cotton, nuts earth, starting the harvest of sorghum.Farmersstarttheearlyseedingofcerealsandgrass.


Inthesouthern hemispherewinter lasts.Inthenorthernconditionsaremild,butthemoreinthesoutherncountry,thelowertemperatureswithpossiblefrostandsnowfall.InJunethecropsend,cerealsaresownuntilJuly.InJunethereisstillsoyseedafterwheatandcotton.Almostuntiltheendofwintertheharvestofcornfromlateseedingandpros.



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