
What do you need to know before you buy a geothermal heating system?

Ką reikia žinoti prieš įsirengiant geoterminį šildymą?

Geothermal heating – is a solution that is increasingly on the list of the priorities of modern home owners . In terms of sustainability, energy savings and long-term use, this technology is not only an innovation but a presence. According to our feet , the warmth of the earth is an inexhaustible source of energy, which can substitute traditional heating ways and help address the problem of increasing energy costs. When deciding to invest in this system it is therefore necessary to know that this is not a one day solution. It is a long-term investment which requires responsible preparation, assessment of the properties of the site and the appropriate selection of the equipment . What are the benefits of installation and is it a value investment ?

How does geothermal heating work

Beneath our feet is a giant heat source which can be used for heating our home.The Geothermal system is a heat pump which collects the heat of the earth soil through underground pipes and transmits that heat to the home heating system.During the summer this system can be used and for indoor cooling, so it becomes a universal solution for the years. Is the site suitable for such a system ? The answer to this question is provided by geological studies which all allow to determine the composition of the ground , the the pressure of the quantum and the heat conductance. These indicators determine which type of geothermal system is the best to choose:

  • Horizontal system is installed in a small depth th that requires a greater ground area.
  • Vertical system is installed by drilling deep well – an excellent choice for smaller plots.

In order for a system to perform effectively, it is necessary to accurately assess the building heat loss, insulation and the heating needs of the inhabitants. A too small heat pump will not be able to provide the heat required , and a too large pump will use more energy than needed. Therefore, the capacity of the system must be selected carefully.

Geothermal heating installation: What does it matter to know? Installation work includes installation of drilled or horizontal collectors, connection of the heat pump and integration of the system into the home heating grid.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the thermal insulation of the building.A well insulated house allows a significant reduction of heat loss and a more effective use of the potential of the geothermal system.

Cost and payback opportunities

Geothermal heating is a greater initial investment, but in the longer term it is rewarding due to significantly lower operating costs. The cost of the system depends on the path factors:

  • Site conditions. Depending on the ground compaction and size of the plot, or need vertical drills, or horizontal collectors.
  • Equipment selection High quality heat pumps ensure greater efficiency over time.
  • Simplicity of installation work . The more simple work the greater the generous the investment.
  • In addition it is worth considering the subsidies and supports offered by the country that can significantly reduce the basic investment of the

    Geothermal heating is one of the most reliable in themarket.Groundcollectorscanlastup to50years,whileheatpumpscanbe20-25years.Thissystemrequiresminimalmaintenanceandisthereforecomfortableineverydayuse

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