Hungary, as the country holding the Presidency of the EU Council, presented its work program and priorities for the second half of 2024. One of the seven priorities of the Hungarian Presidency will be "agricultural policy focused on the farmer". The Presidency also presented priorities for agriculture, i.e. competitive, crisis-resistant, sustainable, farmer-friendly and knowledge-based agriculture. In the field of fisheries, Hungary will focus on the competitiveness of the European aquaculture sector and the negotiation of fishing quotas.
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Long-term rural viability
EU agriculture ministers held a debate on the vitality of rural areas, in particular generational renewal and demographic aspects.
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Agricultural priorities for the Polish presidency of the EU Council
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Minister Czesław Siekierski confirmed that maintaining the vitality of rural areas is a challenge that requires a revaluation of the EU budget, strengthening the second pillar and an approach that will create responsibility for the development of rural areas, including other policies and funds.
– We must take into account the fact that we have very diverse rural areas in the European Union, including those where there are long delays – said the head of the Polish delegation.
Minister Siekierski pointed out that new development challenges of a geopolitical and climatic nature have emerged, to which rural development policy must respond in its goals and priorities.
– In the new CAP programming period, both the first and second pillars should ensure the implementation of the above-mentioned. goals, especially those related to improving the demographic situation, emphasized the Polish Minister of Agriculture.
The minister added that the second pillar of the CAP should continue to strengthen the vitality of rural areas, including: in the area of not only infrastructure investments, but also social ones, using local activity to create development directions.
– We should not forget that the countryside is a place of agricultural production, where short supply chains and renewable energy sources combined with intelligent development of rural areas need to be developed – emphasized Minister Siekierski.
The Polish Minister of Agriculture emphasized that better cooperation and complementarity between the CAP and other EU policies and funds for rural development are possible.
– It cannot be that only the Common Agricultural Policy is responsible for the development of rural areas. In this context, rural proofing is important, i.e. a mechanism for verifying the impact of other policies on the development of rural areas. The division of roles must also be maintained – between what we implement within the framework of EU funds and what within national policies. All these activities should form one coherent whole, said Minister Czesław Siekierski.
Agricultural matters related to trade
On the basis of information provided by the Commission, ministers discussed agricultural trade. The Council was informed about current trade turnover in agri-food products and the latest negotiations on bilateral free trade agreements.
Minister Siekierski informed that Poland has repeatedly indicated that the EU trade agenda should include the protection of sensitive agricultural sectors.
– Trade negotiations should be transparent and preceded by an impact analysis. They should respect the principle of reciprocity and balance in the exchange of tariff concessions, added the head of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The minister also emphasized that the agreements concluded should allow for quick and effective actions to be taken in the event of excessive imports of agricultural goods. He added that tariff preferences in access to the EU market should be conditional on partners' adaptation to EU standards.
– This concerns both food safety and quality standards, as well as those regarding sustainable development, including environmental and climate protection – said the minister.
As the Polish Minister of Agriculture emphasized, in no case should concessions in access to the EU agricultural market be treated as a means of balancing concessions from trading partners in other sectors of the economy.
This will be the last ATM
Referring to trade relations with Ukraine, Minister Siekierski announced that Poland supports the Commission's announcement that the current extension of autonomous trade measures is the last one, and after their expiry – in June 2025 – the rules resulting from the Association Agreement will return. In the context of resuming negotiations with Ukraine on deepening liberalization, Minister Siekierski recalled that Poland had already submitted detailed demands to the Commission.
Minister Siekierski also referred to the information provided by the Bulgarian delegation and expressed concern about the change in the United Kingdom's approach to the possibility of exporting pork from areas where African swine fever (ASF) occurs in wild boars. The head of the Polish Ministry of Agriculture agreed with Bulgaria's position that the United Kingdom is changing the requirements without informing its trading partners and without granting an appropriate transition period.
– I hope that in the future, cooperation will be more constructive and open – noted the Polish Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.
European agriculture and forestry: the basis of a competitive, sovereign and prosperous EU
The Austrian delegation presented a note on highlighting European agriculture and forestry, supported by several Member States, including Poland.
Minister Siekierski said that the note raised many important issues regarding the role of agriculture and its future, as well as responding to climate change. The Minister emphasized that the Common Agricultural Policy must be strong and adequately support farmers, also by encouraging the use of sustainable production methods.
The head of the Ministry of Agriculture stated that a comprehensive review of the legislation on the European Green Deal and an assessment of its impact on agriculture and forestry is needed.
– The changes that will be introduced as a result of the review should eliminate unnecessary restrictions. Further work is also necessary to simplify the implementation of the CAP in order to reduce barriers and administrative burdens, added Minister Czesław Siekierski.
The Minister also emphasized that the implementation of the provisions of the regulation on making certain goods and products related to deforestation and forest degradation available on the EU market and exported from the EU should be postponed, especially since the IT system has not yet been prepared.
European partnership for the BIOEAST initiative
The Minister informed about the Joint Declaration on the creation of a European partnership for the BIOEAST initiative, which was signed by 20 ministers of agriculture and research ministers from 10 BIOEAST countries.
The head of the Polish delegation added that the partnership is aimed at addressing key challenges in the field of knowledge-based agriculture and in the field of aquaculture and forestry in the bioeconomy.
Minister Czesław Siekierski emphasized that in the declaration it is crucial to ensure the security of the European food system and the potential of the bioeconomy.
– Achieving these goals requires significant investments in research and innovation, adaptation and dissemination of knowledge, and the establishment of an effective research financing framework – emphasized Minister Siekierski.
The Polish Minister of Agriculture announced that he envisages an in-depth discussion with all Member States and the European Commission on the partnership structure, scope, role of participants and financial aspects.
– We want to involve more countries in signing the declaration as part of the BIOEAST initiative, in particular the Western Balkan countries, Ukraine and Moldova – added Minister Siekierski.
European programs for the promotion of agricultural products
The Spanish delegation presented a note on necessary improvements in the promotion programs for agricultural products. The note was supported by several Member States, including Poland.
Minister Czesław Siekierski stated that reducing administrative burdens and simplifying the management of promotional programs is crucial both for the implementing bodies and for the beneficiaries of the EU promotion policy.
The head of the Ministry of Agriculture added that unification of program management will ensure proper implementation of the objectives of the promotion policy, which is of key importance for the competitiveness of the European agri-food sector.
The Polish Minister of Agriculture emphasized the need to ensure adequate financing of the promotion policy.
– EU promotion policy plays a key role in increasing the competitiveness of the EU agricultural sector. In this context, we are concerned about the proposal to reduce the budget for 2025 so significantly, said the minister.
Meetings on the sidelines of Council meetings
On the sidelines of the AGRIFISH Council, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Czesław Siekierski, talked with the Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, and the Director General of DG AGRI, Wolfgang Burtscher, on matters related to the upcoming Polish Presidency of the EU Council in the first half of next year.