
Western Poland is protected against flu. What action has the Veterinary Inspectiontaken?

Zachodnia Polska chroni się przed pryszczycą. Jakie działania podjęła Inspekcja Weterynaryjna?

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  • In provinces bordering with Germany there are intensive border controls intended to exclude transports of animals of unknown origin
  • In regions that are also involving training -. yes for farmers, as and



– Our primary task is to inspect all transports of susceptible animals entering Poland. The basis of these inspections is a check of documentation of the place of origin of animals. In this way we must exclude the situation, in which in Poland would transfer animals origin from the area of occurrence of the disease. Additionally all transports are also inspected at target places – told us Maciej Prost, Western Pomeranian veterinarian .

As he added, another stem of protection is also disinfection of vehicles. For times this applies to multi-tone vehicles, no less in when the situation worsens the Inspection also has a “plan B”, that is to disinfect all vehicles. This may result in slowing border traffic, but in some situations such action may be necessary.

Efficient control at border crossings

as told InfoWet Joanna Kokot-Ciszewska, Lubus veterinarian , on border crossings in the region there are no major difficulties related to veterinary inspections:

We have appointed additional duties of county veterinarians thanks to which we have significantly improved work. Today we have successfully reduced the time of inspection documentation even to 15 minutes. Only for a moment we had more distress, when it because of low temperature the disinfection gate froze. Nevertheless the quick repair of this problem, and the tempo of inspection has told our interviewer. 

As added Joanna Kokot-Ciszewska, Lubus Voivodship Inspectorate of Veterinary – as also and other inspectorates from provinces bordering with Germany are conducting intensive training for breeders.

With cooperation with breeders’ associations , and agricultural bodies or agricultural advisory centers owners of animals of susceptible species are

educated on prophylaxis and recognition of


In the branch there is

anxiety associated with pimples Photo.AlbHen/Shutterstock Read more What doesn’t dokonate ASF may dokonate pryszczyca. Expert warns

Training for doctors veterinarians

Same training breeders is one thing. A separate issue is training for doctors veterinarians. Truthfully herpes is a disease widely discussed in the tour of veterinary studies, Nevertheless it should be considered the fact that this disease in Poland has not occurred for over 50 years. The current cademy has not had the opportunity to experience it directly in practice:

– There is an ongoing training action for such veterinary doctors of free practice as and employees of Veterinary Inspection, whose purpose is to practice the aspects of prophylaxis of herpes. As a interesting fact, that every year we organize so-called simulation exercises, in which we remind the procedures for the occurrence of the focus of a specific infectious disease. Los wanted, that during the last action we discussed the appearance of the focus of flu – said Zdzislaw Krol, Dolnian provincial doctor of veterinary medicine.

It remains to hope that

the same procedures, though well rehearsed by employees of the Veterinary Inspection will remain only in the form of simulation:

– As at the time we had to deal with

an incidental focus and it must be admitted,

that German veterinary services quickly and effectively controlled the situation. While which we keep


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