Entrepreneurs in the trade sector were complaining in the whole 2024 year about increasing costs According data of GUS, in most months in 2024 year. the indicator of general climate in trade had a negative value, which meaned, that the share of entrepreneurs expecting the economic situation of their companies in the next three months or already observing deterioration, throws over a subset of entrepreneurs expecting its improvement. What are fear of Polish businessmen? On the list including the death of commoner In December 2024 year. indicator of the general climate of the wholesale trade was worse than for the retail trade, which was resulting from declines in new orders from detail. Entrepreneurs in the trade sector complained in the whole 2024 year. on increasing costs of workers and high prices of energy, which they recognized as barriers strongly affecting the activity of trade enterprises, as indicated by the results of the Monthly Index (MIK) survey. In December 2024 year, a surveyed 73 percent of entrepreneurs indicated the strong or very strong burdensome increasing costs of workers, 60 percent. for the fatal barrier recognized costs of energy, a close 60 proc. representatives of researched companies complained about uncertainty of the economic situation. from data GUS shows, that basic economic and financial indicators on the functioning of trade firms employing 10 and more people have deteriorated in the period January – June 2024 years. in comparison with the analogous period 2023 year. Revenues net of trading companies in I half 2024 year were lower by 0.8 percent. from achieved a year previously. The decrease in revenue was recorded primarily by companies engaging in wholesaling (by5.2 percent in comparison with I half 2023 year). Thus there was an increase in revenue by 2.2 percent. The decrease in net in greater degree affected small firms trading, employing from 10 to 49 people working (by 1.2 proc. in comparison with I half 2023 year.) than medium and large enterprises (50 and more people employed), in which recorded a decrease in revenue net by 0.7 percent. The decrease in revenue of trading companies was accompanied in the I half of 2024 year. the increase in costs compared with analogous period 2023 year. The level cost ratio for the researched trading firms was 97.0 percent against 95.4 percent before the year and was higher in retail firms (97.2 percent.) than in wholesalers (96.7 perc.). From GUS data it also appears that in the period January – June 2024 year. the value indicator of cost in small commercial (10-49 people) was lower (95.7 percent) than in mid and large enterprises (97.3 percent). The lower value of the level cost indicator in small trading companies may mean, that they are able to effectively control the costs of their enterprise, as also manage them. In addition, in the cost structure of small trading companies there is a lower share of amortization, services foreign, wages and insurance social. The higher value of the level cost indicator in large companies may result of the scale of activity, which involves a increase in the costs of the enterprise operation m.inter alia, as a result of the occurrence of such cost categories, which do not appear, or are very limited, in smaller trade firms for such as the costs of the enterprise. costs of research and analysis, costs marketing. Poland e-.Trade welcomes the year in a brilliant steady Firms trade have lower profitability than average for sector enterprises employing 10 and more people in I half 2024 year. Level indicator of profitability turnover gross, reflecting efficiency of operation.enterprises, for commercial companies is 3.0 proc, in comparison with 4.9 proc. for enterprises total, as shows data of GUS. This indicates the low profitability of trade activities on the tle other industries. The level indicator of turnover in wholesaling firms was higher (3.3 perc.) than in retail (2.8 perc.), a ratio of profitability of turnover in small firms trade (10-49 people) was favorable (4.3 perc.) than in commercial companies employing 50 and more people (2.7 percent). This may testify about that small trading firms with rule have significantly smaller assortment offers than in large firms, effectively manage inventory and are able to effectively organize the supply system, optimizing same commercial costs. Large trade companies usually are faster to negotiate with contractors the conditions and dates for deliveries, which favorably affects the level of margins, but they have a wide offer of products with differentiated rotation of goods. They frequently conduct also promotional activities, increasing costs of the company. 26 January first this year handling-sunday . ALDI has proposed promotions even up to 50% Fluidity financial of trade companies, meaning the capability of enterprises to regulate their obligations in the required terms, has variations in individual months 2024 year., as shows the results of the Monthly Index of the Market (MIK). However generally, despite turbulent market conditions of enterprises’ functioning, the appraisal of financial liquidity by representatives of researched trade firms remained at a relatively good level. In individual months 2024 year, from 59 to 89 proc. entrepreneurs declared, that it is sufficient, to ensure the continuity of functioning firms for a period of 3 months, a only from 1 to 6 proc. firms, that their liquidity.Financial is insufficient, to function even for a month. despitedecreasingincomeandincreasingcosts,tradingcompaniesarerelativelyfunctioninginturbulentmarket environment.Unconcernedhoweveristhelowanddeterioratingrateofprofitabilityofturnovertradingcompanies,whichmaynegativelyaffectthepossibilityofaccumulationofcapitalandinvestmentexpendituresoftradefirmsinthefuture.TheMIKresultsconfirmthelowshareoftradingfirmsinvestmentinindividualmonthsin2024year.Inlastquarter2024year.onlyabout1/3oftradefirmsinvested,andoverhalfdidnotincurinvestment expenditures,becauserecognizedthattherewasno suchneed.Thus,in ordertotradecompaniescanfullyexploittheirpotentialandimproveprofitability,it will be necessarytoinvestininnovativetechnologiesanddigitization,allowingtoincreasesalesandreducecommercialcostsbyimprovingmanagementof thecompany.Read more
The decline in revenue and increase in level cost in trading firms
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Weakening profitability of trade companies
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Surprising good opinion of entrepreneurs about liquidity financial of trade companies