The fact that in the Pomeranian province – especially in the Trinity and its neighborhoods ASF occurs massively is not new. More concerned is the fact of another focal disease, which has appeared in the Persian county (Mazovia). This is another focal located close to the borders of
Lodz Province. The first focal was already confirmed last week:
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ASF now close to-the-borders of-lodz-village
Where were fires of ASF wildlife?
According to the latest report of the Head Inspectorate of Veterinary Medicine over the last week focuses ASF feral were confirmed in the following locations:
Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province:
- Chełmno Chełmno (municipalities Chełmno and Papowo Biskupie)
- Grudziądzki (municipality Łasin)
- Grudziądzki (municipality Świecie)
Lubuskie Province:
- Province strzelecko-drezdenecki (municipality Dobiegniew)
Voivodeship Mazovian:
- Province łosicki (municipality Sarnaki)
- Province przysuski (municipality Przysucha)
Province Poland:
- Poland county (municipalities Popielów and Turawa)
Podlaskie Province:
- county siemiatycki (municipality Mielnik)
Pomorskie Province:
- miasto Gdańsk
- miasto Gdynia
- miasto Sopot
- powiat gdański (gminy Kolbudy i Pruszcz Gdański)
- powiat kwidzyński (gminy Gardeja i Ryjewo)
- powiat nowodworski (gmina Krynica Morska)
- powiat pucki (gminy Kosakowo i Krokowa)
- powiat wejherowski (gminy Reda, Szemud, Wejherowo)
- Province Stum (municipality Sztum)
Voivodeship Swiętokrzyskie:
- Patovski opatovski (Municipality Tarłów)
Voivodeship Warmińsko-Mazurskie:
- Province elbląski (municipality Elbląg)
- Province kertrzyn (municipalities Korsze and Srokowo)
- Province lidzbarski (municipality Lidzbark Warmiński)
Province Wielkopolskie:
- Province kościański (municipality Czempiń)
- Province oborniki (municipality Oborniki)
- Plat Poznan (municipalities Stęszew, Komorniki and Mosina)
- Plat szamotulski (municipality Obrzycko)
Western Pomeranian Province:
- Province Grigin (municipality Chojna)
- Province Myslibork (municipality Boleszkowice)
W 91 fires ASF confirmed in last week, traces of contact with virus were confirmed in 175 animals. 81 of those were fallen, 9 animals shot down, one an animal killed in as a result of a communication accident.
ASF cattle in 2024 year
From ear the Head Inspectorate of Veterinary confirmed 299 cattle ASF cattle. They occurred on the territory of 12 provinces. Free from the disease remained the province of Silesia, Lodz, Malopolska, Podkarpackie and Silesia. In the last year there were 2311
fires ASF wildfires. Then only the Lodz, Malopolska and Silesian provinces remained free from focus
ASF dzik.