
We have 6 new focuses of common poultry. The disease in the newprovince.

Mamy 6 nowych ognisk rzekomego pomoru drobiu. Choroba w nowym województwie

New disease of poultry (Newcastle disease – ND) is a disease, which in our country has not occurred for nearly 50 years. The first focuses confirmed in the mid year not augured, that with this disease our country might have a bigger problem. They occurred in the area of just one county in the Podlaskie province and were treated as focuses incidental. Unfortunately the last weeks have changed this perception of the disease. It has turned out because that the virus has taken out of the territory of the Podlaskie province and that is over large distances. First the disease was confirmed in commercial farms of poultry on the border of Podlaskie, Mazovian and Lublin provinces. Subsequently there were focuses of disease in non-commercial stations in the southern country – in

Malopolska and Podkarpackie provinces, and also in Warmia. Unfortunately the latest communication GIW brings with some

other unsettling news. 

Two focus cross poultry in


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Two focuses of crossed stem poultry in Malopolska

Where have focuses of crossed stem poultry been confirmed? 

According to information published by the Chief Veterinarian, the confirmed focal disease of poultry for the first confirmed 

  • focus number 8/2025 confirmed 21 January br., on based on results of laboratory tests samples taken from chickens (Gallus gallus) on farm keeping 30 964 chickens in the location Dąbrowa Biskupia, gm. Dąbrowa Biskupia, pow. inowrocław, war. kujawsko-pomorskie – this is the first focus in the province in the commercial state. Previously with the disease we already had to happen in a household (outbreak confirmed 9 January in the municipality Chełmża in the county of Toruń)
  • focus number 9/2025 confirmed 21 January br. on based on results of laboratory tests samples taken from chickens (Gallus gallus) in a farm keeping 33 855 chickens in the location Rogoźnica-Kolonia, gm. Międzyrzec Podlaski, bialskiy, village Lublin;
  • focus number 10/2025 stated 24 January br, on the basis of results.studies laboratory tests of samples collected from chickens (Gallus gallus) on farm keeping 238 200 chickens in the locality Nowosielec, m. Losice, Province Losice, Village. Mazovian.

From the rail in non-commercial stages fires occurred in the following locations: 

  • fire number 7C/2025 stated 22 January br. on based on results of laboratory tests of samples taken from curs general in a farm keeping 76 birds in the location Dąbrowa, m. Ludwin, Province Lleczyn, Viol. Lublin;
  • focus number 8C/2025 stated 22 January br. on based on results of laboratory tests of samples collected from curs general in a farm keeping 33 birds in the location Augustynka, m. Nurzec-Stacja, county siemiatycki, voiv. podlaskie;
  • focus number 9C/2025 stated 24 January br. on based on the results of laboratory tests samples taken from birds in a farm keeping 150 birds in the location Nowa Kościelnica, m. Ostaszewo, pow. nowodworski, woj. Pomorskie – this is the first focus in this part of the

This year in the Poland has already found 10 focus ND in farms commercial and 9 focus disease in farms keeping poultry for own use. In the last year in the territory of Poland there were 21 focuses of current disease of poultry. 

The industry looks with concern at common domor of poultry

The poultry industry is seriously concerned about the problem of expansion of common domor of poultry in

Poland. As he said in conversation with our portal Dariusz Goszczynski, president of the National Poultry Council – Board

of Economics,The next focus of the disease, is the next territory covered by the export blockade. There is always an effective

method of disease control – for crosses of poultry we have developed effective vaccines, to however in full fulfill theirrole,vaccinationmustbecommoncharacter-alsoinnon-commercialstages. 


The problemofcrosspoultryissignificantlyincreasing.Thereisononeof

























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