Only 7% of Poland know the concept of primary purity water, though it has a key importance for the quality of consumed water bottled. Studies show that consumers still lack knowledge about what they drink. The “Depth of Knowledge” campaign has a purpose to educate and increase awareness on the subject of natural mineral and source waters.
Primary purity means the absence of any contaminants chemical and microbiological already in the source. This is the main characteristic of natural mineral water and source water, which no other consumed large scale water drinking water has. Note that that the primary purity producer of natural mineral water has a obligation to keep in bottles and in each other packaging. At the same time 57% of us consider, that bottled water can be trusted -. results from
research performed by IQS for the “Depth of Knowledge” campaign conducted by the National Economic Chamber “Industry Bottling”.
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Natural water mineral and sourced water preserves primary purity, because the geological structure protects it from pollution derived from human activities. Before they go into bottles, they undergo purification processes, such as aeration and filtration, which remove unstable compounds. Controlling the preparation and bottling of water is important, to ensure its quality and safety for customers. For the majority of respondents (62%) in choice of its quality is information about the mineral composition, a for almost half (48%) of the business, from which it originates.
What interesting, only 58% of People believe, that water in the bottle is better in terms of consumption than water in the screen.
– In the public space you may encounter such statements, that water drinking in the cran and water bottled in principle come from the same sources and not worth the same sources.overpay. At the same time 44% of us admit, that they do not trust their pipe system, which is the supplied water in the their home. These results show, how much we still have to do in the education of consumers – says Dariusz Lizak, president of the National Economic Chamber “Industry Bottling”. We have limited geological resources and utilities, from which is obtained natural mineral water and source water are only from deep wells, while the water for consumption, so-called water is depleted. water is sourced also from reservoirs of surface water that is, lakes, rivers, retention reservoirs. From this also because tap water requires a multistage process of treatment, which uses chemical and physical methods. However the key role in the quality of water, which consumers consume has all that, what happens afterwards. Producers of water are obligated to comply with strict standards and to confirm the
conformity of each produced batch of bottled water before it is delivered for sale, for to the so-called.
“table of consumers”. In the case of water from the cran also apply processes of quality control, however the
quality of water in our cranes is the responsibility of the building administrators, and not the water supplier, that is the waterworks – he adds.
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Drinking water a daily routine for 59% of surveyed
Water mineral and source present on store shelves are designed for direct consumption and do not require
additional processes, for example filtration, which removes valuable for our health minerals. In direct comparison respondents of the
study indicate, that bottled water is perceived as better than cranewater under the mineral composition (60%),
purity (54%), taste (52%), safety (51%), which is related to its primary purity. However only a small interest with us – 7% – knows, what this primary purity is.water is.
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– Of respondents, who know what is the preservation of primary purity water, thatisthemainfeatureofbottledwaterisanotherarea,whichshows,howimportantiseducationonthesourcing,originandmethodsofproducingnaturalmineralwaterandsourcewateravailableinthemarket.This is whythereforeastheNationalBureauof”IndustryBottling”we havelaunchedaneducationalcampaign”DepthofKnowledge”.Ihopethatthissameconsumerswillreceivean arrayofessentialinformation,comingfromverifiedsources,whichwilltranslateintoresponsiblechoices-summarizesLizak.