While previously lombard owners were faced with the problem of lack of stuff on their shelves, they now have to refuse some customers because of
the large inflow of those wishing to pledge property. Manager of the lombard Kullake in Tartu Marian Tobro. Photo: Kristjan Teedema
If previously the owners of pawnshops had faced the problem of lack of goods
on the shelves, then now they have to refuse some customers because of a large inflow of willing to mortgage property.
As told the manager of Kullake pawnshop in Tartu;Marian Tobro, in December they have record volume of pledges – two times more than in the previous months.
According to Lubovi-Luule Emmar, the head of the network pawnshops Luutar, inDecember2023yearthe volume oftransactionsintheirbranchesinallEstoniaincreasedby20percentcomparedwiththelastmonthofthepreviousyear.