Capability to defense, defense of people and borders, resilience to foreign interference and disinformation, security and freedom of economic activities, transformation energy, competitive and resilient agriculture, security health those are seven pillars of the Polish presidency of the Council EU falling in the first half 2025 year. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs adds to this also cooperation with world powers, strengthening EU-NATO relations, and also open to aspirations of countries outside the Community, which would want to join a united Europe.
According to many politicians and experts on European politics often overestimated the capabilities of the country, which at a time is leading in the EU, bringing its role to a pure technical role. From the other side however, there are known cases, in which the priorities of the presidency strongly reached in the public debate and political of the State continent. Simultaneously influenced concrete decisions or though initiated certain actions, which at any time were inscribed in the priorities of the Community as a whole.
The Opposition requests attention to the fact, that the moment when Poland takes the presidency of the EU Council, not among the happiest, and the EU itself is struggling with serious problems.
– If today for all that, what happened in the European Union in the last years happened, Donald Tusk said, Ursula von der Leyen and Angela Merkel and we really have degraded and politically, and economically, this should begin with the word “I’m sorry, we were wrong, we were wrong, the green policy was wrong, we were out of that.” that would be a good opening – says information agency News Waldemar Buda, Member of the European Parliament of Law and Justice.
In the Eurodeputy’s appraisal among priorities of the Presidency there is no clear declaration of the planned European Union – Mercosur agreement, against which protests not only Polish, but and French farmers. The agreement in its intention is to open the EU market for food products produced in countries of South America, among others.
– From the viewpoint of Poland there is no clear declaration, that the Mercosur issue will be placed this half year on the council, it will be blocked and there will be less blocked together with Poland. Such announcement we have not heard – emphasizes Waldemar Buda.
This however is the only failure in this set according to .MEP PiS. MEPs to the PE, mostly from conservative groups, are attention to migration issues.
– We have also heard about the starting procedure at the European Council for amending the Migration Act, it will in a moment come to life in form, which Donald Tusk approved in December, a we know, that this is very disadvantageous for Poland, we can pay for each immigrant, who has come, though from Germany to Poland, a who would want to relocate, expel from Poland or refuse to receive him says the European Member of Law and Justice.
According to Waldemar Buda the Poland presidency in this form and at this moment may weaken the position of Poland and the EU in the international arena, mainly in relations with the United States. He has distracted attention to the starting presidency of Donald Trump, whose views strongly diverge with the political pursuits of Warsaw and Brussels.
– This presidency weakens strongly, because today we have to face the fierce personal conflict of Donald Trump and Donald Tusk. This personal reluctance resulting from the earlier behavior of Donald Tusk causes, that we lose very much. We lose on relationships, first Polish-American, and second European-American, and this is the drama of this situation – says Buda.
The MEP does have any doubt, that it is already too late for any changes in priorities of the presidency. He estimated, that an additional problem is the ongoing election campaign.
Donald Tusk will want to tackle the presidential campaign and tackle decisions, which he had made earlier at the level of the European Union, and not any of the issues, which today on the table are still there. He does not have that will, he does not have that intention, so it is hard to treat this presidency as Polish – he concluded.
In a similar tone are also spoken by other representatives of the opposition seated in the seat of europarliament. Miss Jadwiga Wiśniewska was delayed during the premier speech announcing the revision of climate policy, which according to its critics may be a serious hamper to the EU economy.
– The Draghi Report, commissioned by the European Commission, clearly indicates the decline in competitiveness and productivity of European industry and indicates in this report, that the cause is restrictive climate policy – says Jadwiga Wiśniewska,Member of the European Parliament of Law and Justice.
She took this same to published in early September 2024 of the public report pt. “The future of European competitiveness”. His author, Italian economist and former president of European Bank Central (2011-2019) Mario Draghi, mentioned climate politics as one of the problems, which can hamper the economy of the Community.
If we want to compete in global markets, it is necessary to revise climate policy, unfortunately this promise doesn’t happen. There is on the other hand this announcement, that this policy will be implemented, which Tusk did on 11 December 2024 year, signing the issue of accelerating the implementation of climate policy and the Migration Act, implementation oftheMigrationPactalongwiththeupcomingpresidencies,that istheDanishandCypriot-mentionsthePoliticsiS.
PolandforthesecondtimechairstheCounciloftheEuropean Union.Firstwasthisin2011.AlsothenthePrime MinisteroftheRPwasDonaldTusk.The currentperiodofpresidencylastsfrom1Januaryto30June2025year.Thenthechairmanshipwilltake overDenmark.
TherotatingpresidencyintheCouncilEUchangedin2009yearwiththeadoptionoftheLisbon Treaty,whichbroughttheymoretotechnicalandhonoraryroles.Thisisduetothefact,thatfromthebeginningof2010yearintheEUstructurethereisapermanentpresidentoftheEU Council.Despitethismanymembercountriesusethistimetopromoteandaccentimportanttotheirselfissues.