Wildberries Wildberries Vladislav Bakalchuk believes that the platform will become a market…social network. In his view, Wildberries is a space where people communicate, share experiences, give advice and seek inspiration, so it needs to take to a new level.
Vladislav Bakalchuk by analogy with social networks suggests to make each card of goods full post with appropriate visuals, information, comments, likes and chats for discussion, sharing tips and lifehacks.
Video reviews will become a key tool to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of goods. Personalized news feeds will be shaped based on the interests of each user, offering relevant content, discounts and recommendations.
“Video reviews: like on YouTube, but about products. Rise to the Top of the Good Get Recognition. Seller Trust. Recommendations, chats with specific goods and personal feeds, like on Telegram or WeChat. Your unique unique stream of content, where goods, advice, discussions and discounts, ” wrote Bakalchuk.
He is confident that WB today connects tens of millions of people this is a ready ecosystem for communication, sharing experiences and creating content. In one place you can gather all the best of YouTube, WeChat, Telegram and even integrate the concept of old forums.
In the result of this transformation the sellers will be able to increase engagement and trust on the side of shoppers, t.Because they can respond immediately to everyone in chat and respond operatively to questions. This will give users more useful content and communication. The platform will may take a new moving turndevelopment, where purchasing is part of communication, not a simple transaction.
WB WB already connects tens of millions of people – is areadyecosystemforcommunication,sharingexperiencesandcreatingcontent.WecancombineinoneplacethebestofYouTube,WeChat,Telegramandevenintroducetheconceptofoldforums.Do you thinkthisformatwill take offornot?