
VIDEO | MTA representatives spoke about the changes in the land tax and talked to thepeopleofEstonia

ВИДЕО | Представители MTA рассказали об изменениях в земельном налоге и обратились к жителям Эстонии

In early February the Tax and Customs Department of Estonia (MTA) will begin preparing notices for the payment of land tax. Besides the new tax rates established by local governments, this year there were a number of other changes related to the land tax. At a press conference held today the Department’s staff presented an overview of these changes.Head of the Income Tax Department MTA Madis Laas explained that the changes in taxation are related to the increase in the value of land. “It is important to note that the tax benefit for housing owners remains in the power as before,” said he. The changes in the payment include that the minimum amount of the first contribution has increased from 64 euros to 100 euros, that is.i.e., if the amount of the land tax is less than 100 Euros, it must be paid in full by March 31. If the amount exceeds the said digit, then at least 100 euros must be paid by 31 March, and the remaining amount by 1 October.
Director of Providing Services in the Land Tax MTA Riita Parksepp reminded that the size of the tax obligations for the land tax is determined by the local government. “Tax rates are set by the local government, ” Parksepp explained. “When calculating the tax take into account: tax benefits related to the land, that is. when it does not matter who is the owner, the benefit applies to the land; tax benefits which are personal, that is.The most common example is
the benefit for housing owners. Land Tax = value of the land(Euro) × rate of land tax (%) – protective mechanism –
exemption from paying tax – tax benefits Parksepp has requested people to check their data, because in the other case the sending a tax notice will be impossible. If you do not receive the notice by 25 February, you will need to contact MTA. The Land Tax can
be paid through a prepayment account in the e-media of the Tax Department, and also through a transfer
or an e-account. From 2025 year the maximum rate of land tax for commercial and manufacturing land increased from the previous 1% to 2%. In addition, from 10% to 50% the maximum amount of annual increase in the land tax, or a so called protective mechanism, not allowing local governments to increase the land tax too strongly. This means that if the size of the land tax in 2025 year is at least 50% more than the size of
the tax in 2024 year, then the amount of the tax will>increase by 50%. If 50% is less than 20 euros, then the amount of tax will>increase by 20 euros. In the last year, the limit amount of the raise of land tax was five euros. Compared with 2024 year in this year about about 22 000 new landowners and almost 21 000 landowners, whose previous tax liabilities remained below five euros and, consequently, no previous tax
notice was issued to them. According to preliminary data, in this year the land tax will be paid by 375 000 people. 90% of the land tax payers
are private individuals, but a significant part of the collections come from businesses. In this year, the state hopes to collectland tax by 82 million euros. At the state at the beginning of January the sum of the land tax due to the state was 1.55 million euros. A significant part of the small amounts, i.e. less than 50 euros.1 of
the year following the year of acquisition or occurrence of the right
to use the land. Tax andthe Customs Department issues a tax notice to the taxpayer of the amount of the land tax no later than 15 February in electronically in the E-Services e-MTA. If the total amount of land tax on land, which
iswithinonesinglegovernment,isless than5euros,thennolandtaxisassessedandnotaxnoticeisissued.Abouttheissuance of.of a taxnoticerecipientis informedbye-mailortextmessage.IftheTax and CustomsDepartmentdoes not havethee-mailaddressorthephone numberofthetaxpayer,orifthesendingofelectronicnotificationfailed,orifthetaxpayernotifiedtheDepartmentoftheunwillingnesstoreceiveelectronicnotices,thenanoticeoflandtaxshallbesentbymail.

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