The unclear situation of trade with Ukraine has been a concern for Polish farmers for a long time, aware of the inability of small family farms to compete with powerful agroholdings that own the land of our eastern neighbor. It is therefore not surprising that anxiety also affects milk producers, who are afraid of the profitability of their farms.
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PFHBiPM's comment on the memorandum with the Ukrainian side
The Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers has published its official position on the memorandum with the Ukrainian side regarding cooperation in the dairy industry. The memorandum itself addresses issues such as exchanging experiences in the field of European integration of the Polish dairy industry with the Ukrainian one, providing consultations and recommendations on the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU legislation in the field of the dairy industry, joint support for the idea of a sectoral approach to the continuation of parity trade at the national and European level, mutual information on current trends and changes in the legislation of parties related to the dairy industry, or establishing contacts and organizing joint events in the Ukraine-Poland-EU format.
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As for the above-mentioned PFHBiPM comment, it first draws attention to the fact that Poland is a large producer of milk and milk products, and it devotes as much as 30 percent to exports. production, therefore it is important for further development to gain new markets. In the case of Ukraine, it was emphasized that exports are six times larger than imports, which is a significant difference. Other countries are also interested in exporting in this direction, therefore maintaining Poland's position on the market is extremely important. PFHBiPM also emphasizes that Polish-Ukrainian cooperation is intended to help in adapting to the EU realities of the dairy industry.
It's worth talking to such a partner
As Piotr Doligalski, vice-president of the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers, says, due to the significant export of Polish dairy products to Ukraine and its large advantage over imports, it is worth talking to the Ukrainian side and maintaining good relations. At the same time, we are not in danger of flooding the Polish market with Ukrainian milk, because despite large and modern farms, Ukraine lacks infrastructure and experienced employees in the dairy industry.
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