For three years any forms of business, which even conspicuously support the Russian military machine have been condemned. There is no less a large enterprise operating in Estonia that provides services to companies of Russian oligarchs, two of which are under sanctions. But from a legal point of view everything is legal.
For three years any forms of business, which even conspicuously support the Russian military machine. There is no nevertheless a large enterprise operating in Estonia that provides services to companies of
Russian oligarchs, two of which are under sanctions. But from the legal point of view, everything is legal.
Estonian ship Hansa Shipping Hansa Hansa Shipping is always regularly transports aluminum from Ireland to Russia. The shipments are made from the location in Ireland of the plant of Russian aluminum giant Rusal (Russian Aluminum, UC Rusal). The founder and multi-year owner of “Rusal” – oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is under Western sanctions. Establishing and keeping economic connections with individuals under the sanctions, is forbidden. But in this case from the legal point of view to the Estonian company cannot be claimed, though its ships regularly perform voyages and continue transporting cargoes.
Those who who in the last weeks because of anxiety caused by attacks on underwater cables in theBalticSeaortheactivitiesoftheshadowfleet,havetaken